BS app help pls?

Hi everyone,
I’m hoping this thread will sort of be a chance me but more of a advice giving place based on my application (but it could apply to others!)

My application: I’m and 8th grade girl (Japanese) applying for 9th grade boarding schools. I think the finalized list is Andover, Choate, Exeter, Loomis, Concord, and Cate. 6th grade I had all 4s (the highest grade possible) and for 7th and 8th I have all As (for now, also there isn’t an A+ and I’m taking honors geometry if that helps)I took the ISEE twice and the first time I got a 70 in verbal, 72 in reading comprehension, 89 in quantitative reasoning, and a 98 in mathematic achievement. The second time I took it I got a 84 in verbal, 99 in reading comprehension, 85 in quantitative reasoning, and a 98 in mathematics achievement.
ECs: Japanese school (class rep), founder of school newspaper, youngest member of a non-profit sustainability organization, art (I think I’m pretty good, I spend 10 hours or so on this a week), speech & debate, transfer student for Japanese public schools during the summer, clarinet, piano, and sailing (idk what came over me when I put it on the app, I don’t even like it and I don’t think the schools have sailing programs: did not include for Andover, Exeter, and Choate)

Awards: Johns Hopkins’ Center for Talented Youth and my school district Highly Capable program.
I am in the process of selling a novel on Amazon
Class representative for school.
My poem about unity was featured in the local news.
I have been in Japanese school since I was 2 years old and I am fluent; I was selected as Class
Representative (of 70 students) to give a speech for my Elementary graduation (2023)
Best/2nd Best Concert Band in the county (Clarinet) (2023)
Advanced Band Clarinet Section Leader (2023)
2nd Place for Best Painting in School award for my painting, The Lonely Umbrella, of 120 students.
(This was in Japan; I attend public school in Japan during the summer for the last eight years as a ‘transfer student’ while on summer break in America)

My questions: Should I submit both test scores to have them superscored? I’m worried that it might seem like ‘oh no a 70 the first time an 84 the second, this kid is OUT rather than oooh growth I lOvE this’
I had my Concord interview and sent a ‘thank-you email’ the day it happened but still haven’t heard back, should I be worried?
Could anyone supply me with a list of states in the west and information on whether they are under or over represented as I would like to keep some confidentiality of where I live?
I know my awards are really lacking but was there anything specific in my application that stood out to you? I can’t ask my family or friends so bc they think that I’ll be accepted everywhere, but after months of surfing through CC, I know otherwise. I want to simulate what stands out to complete strangers to see what might stand out to AOs as they read my app.

I rushed through creating this thread so sorry if there are some grammatical errors and if it’s a bit too long or doesn’t have enough info. As long as I don’t give out private information, I am an open book so feel free to ask away. I also apologize if I’m dumping too many questions on you. Thanks for reading till the end!

Read nothing into receiving no response to a thank you. Per etiquette guidelines, it’s not required. Otherwise it would continue as infinitum. Thank you. No, thank you. Etc. Some schools will respond; others won’t.

The difference between an 85 and an 88 on one section is insignificant. Send one or both - it will make no difference.

Geographic diversity is less important than some applicants will hope. None of the West Coast states are underrepresented anywhere. Montana or North Dakota may be a feather in the scale.


I am sure you are a great applicant like so many of the amazing kids that apply. Consider what your passions and story are. I think too often kids feel like they need to have this laundry list of activities and miss the opportunity to encapsulate their essence. If you do not know how will a school know?

Do you love writing? What is your book about? There seems to be a theme across your newspaper, book and poetry. I know you mentioned loving art as well. Think about where you are applying and how those schools align with your interests. What are you bringing to the schools and what do you want from them?

How did you come up with your school list? Have you explored others?

Every school has a different amount of students from different states. E.g., Alaska is less represented than CA, WA, or OR but this list will vary. Schools will also share the number of students they have from your state.

Regarding thank you cards, some schools do not reply to these unless there is a specific follow up needed (and even then some don’t). Do not read anything into this. AOs are busy with thousands of applicants. Follow up later in the process if you have worthwhile news or questions.

Good luck


Geographic diversity can be a plus–especially for schools with scholarships available only to students from a certain state or states.

You can guess the under-represented states: Among under-represented states will be Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Hawaii, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Montana, and similar low population distant states.

Submit your second set of ISEE scores since almost all sections are higher.


Okay, thanks for the response! I actually did receive an email a few hours ago so that was a bit of a relief but good to know this. Do you know how important the essay section is on the standardized tests?

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Yes, I do love writing and creatively expressing myself (the book is a fantasy novel). However I am in a predicament as I have a wide range of interests that are hard to narrow down as I fear that I’ll miss out on (fomo?). I like writing, art, psychology, STEM, environmental activism, and human rights activism.
From combing through the Loomis and Concord website I already knew I wanted to apply. Loomis has a strong writing and art program and Concord a strong art program and being very social justice. I have a specific reason for all the schools and they line up with my application but not with the other reasons I applying to other schools because I can’t seem to tailor my interests very well haha.

Thanks for the information. I guess my state isn’t under or over represented then. Just curious, but would it ever be a severe detriment if you live in an overrepresented state or are an overrepresented minority?

I suggest submitting the second score alone. There is no growth. You just had a better test/ were better better prepared.

JHU/CTY is pretty common. Mention the award I.e. High Honors or whatever but don’t rank it to too highly. Grand Honors bump it up a bit.

Try and highlight work you did within the group not the membership in the group.

Loomis does have a great writing program!


Since you still have time, you might want to look at Tabor (MA), which has a terrific sailing program, and George School ¶, which aligns really well with your interests (art, STEM, environment and social justice concerns).

The writing part of the SSAT is often used to get a sense of your writing ability, recognizing that the polished essays on an application may include the input and work of others.

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Incredibly important. It’s the only writing sample of your the BS admissions committee sees that they know has not been touched/edited by an adult. I’ve said it many times: Exeter made it crystal clear at a meet and greet- it is one of the most important components of your application, so practice it and spend time on it. I’d believe him and focus on that.

Thanks! I will look into the schools.

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Okay, good to know. I think the essay sections went well!

I’m also considering applying to Taft and Mercersburg. Could anyone share their experience/thoughts on the schools?

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I second that. A couple AOs at ten schools meet said that since that is the only authentic writing sample by the student. All the essays are curated and influenced by others.

If I think my essay for the first test was better than the one for the second test but my test scores in general are better in the second test should I submit both tests or still just the first one?

Better numbers first… what you think is a great essay the adults reading could not like it.

paging @Calliemomofgirls re: MB

Thanks for all the replies! I took the SSAT today (for a local day school that doesn’t accept ISEE) and have a few questions: What is the purpose of the Experimental section and when should I expect the results to come out?

It should come this Wednesday. The experimental questions are to test future questions and standardize them.

Okay, thanks!