BS Class of 2027 Thread

Daughter sent messages to the four schools requiring the graded paper with what she did this fall and that she is still waiting to hear back from the teacher.

One AO wrote back to her already and also sent me a separate message. In the message to my daughter, she said it was fine, she was marking everything complete, and that she was “looking forward to seeing (my daughter) in person again soon.”

On the one hand, we don’t want to read into anything, but on the other, she knows we are in a foreign country that is not close to the US and it just seems like she wouldn’t say that unless she thought maybe my daughter would be in attendance at a Revisit Day?? I know, I know, don’t get our hopes up, but it’s hard not to!


my interviewer said something similar, like looking forward to you coming. But I do know of university interviewers saying stuff like you’re a good fit to the school but turning out to be rejected soooo
soo trying not to get hopes up
but still im sure they dont say it to everyone

Sigh. You’re probably right and there is a very slim chance of her actually being admitted. And, while we know we shouldn’t read into these things, it’s really hard not to. This is one of my daughters top choice schools.

theres always only a very slim chance of people actually being admitted- - - -
there was this post somewhere, you add a bit of percentage for anything youre great at / any hooks etc, but theres also places you needa subtract percentage
and in the end you just get their admission rate which is very low
but then again im sure they dont say it to everyone

Yes, I’ve read that one. It’s good and gives a lot of hope. Thankfully, she’s not applying to any of the “acronym” schools, so that already helps.

A few years ago there was a post on Andover’s admission process. It is worth reading. Quite similar to college admission.

Where can I find it?

Happy to report we are done! Just waiting for SSAT scores.

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Congrats! That’s a big moment!

And, crossing fingers I’ll be posting something similar soon! Daughter’s English teacher said he is aiming to return her paper this week!

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See if this link works. It’s from 2011, but the process may not change much

I have to add that the interviewer may not read the application before the interview, even if it has been submitted. Don’t assume the interviewer knows everything about you going into the interview.

Yes, my daughter had 5/6 interviews where the interviewer did not have any information on her except the basics of grade level and current school/ potential interests. Her best interview (in terms of the way she felt) was the one that was after she had submitted her application.

Teacher returned my daughter’s essay today so she was able to upload it to the application and is now done with everything! Bring on March 10th!

Edited to add: spoke too soon! We just noticed the little text in the corner when you open up a school’s section in the SAO that has “special instructions”. One of her schools says that students must submit an attendance record with their transcripts. Sigh. At least we saw this before 1/15!


Another track and field coach reached out to my daughter today and copied us on the email. I have to say, the schools know what they are doing with the contact between apps and March 10. We have gotten invites to panels, messages from various department heads at one school, check-ins from AO contacts at another, etc. It really does keep the schools in at least my mind during this time.


We’ve seen a lot of coach contact since applications were submitted as well. We had some prior to submitting but it seems to be even more after things were submitted.

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Agree. My daughter had a few coaches and Athletic Directors reach out this fall, but more are contacting now that she has actually submitted an application and shown true interest.

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My daughter is receiving more casual “check in” emails from schools as well now - anyone else? It helps both of us feel connected to the schools and helps bridge the gap between January 15 and March 10. One email was very kind and quoted different parts of her essays that the AO said she felt really gave her a sense of my daughter’s personality. I liked the personal touch (even if the AO sent emails like that to 100s of other kids - it made it feel special to quote very particular items from the essays).


19 days until decisions. Every day is another challenge.

I haven’t received much contact from AO’s at all.

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