Most of my recent posts have been advice/information. This post is a little different. My LPS has just got their schedules. I’m not feeling regret about leaving at all. I’m really excited for BS. I don’t think I’m sad about leaving behind my LPS, especially seeing how the community has been interacting with each other, but I can’t help feeling left out from my home friends. I feel like I’m just left behind, even though I’m the one leaving. It’s honestly a really weird feeling that I can’t describe. I made this thread so that anyone can share what has worked for them when coping with feelings about leaving home at a young age, and also to help future BS students feeling the same way.
Oh my gosh we posted the same thing LMAOO great minds think alike
I was going to say that too haha
For me, I’m especially worried about leaving my family. A lot of my friends go to different schools and we managed to keep in touch during quarantine, so I’m not too worried about that, but for one, it’s my brother’s first time living without me? (My brother and I are really, really close) And my parents rely on me a lot for English and communication issues, so I’m afraid of (almost) leaving them behind.
I’m also feeling bad leaving my sisters. When we were little we always talked about how when I was a senior, we would all be in school together for the first time since I was in 4th grade. They were completely devastated when they realized we wouldn’t be in school together.
Awww, that’s so sad ):
For your friends, one thing my friend and I are doing are mandatory weekly FaceTimes. So even if we’re drop dead exhausted, we’re still gonna call, even if we’re just quiet and enjoying each others company or working on our own stuff. That might be something you want to try?
Yeah I also feel that as well. It’ll definitely be much harder to maintain as close of friendships with friends at home when at boarding school. I haven’t even left for boarding school and my friends are already drifting apart.
yeah. The thing with friends: I somehow don’t feel left behind leaving my best friend. She’s not super social so I was one of her only friends. She was really one of my only true friends. Our friendship wasn’t even one continued in school. She’s my neighbor, we mostly communicated outside of school.
It’s not really feeling left behind by friends: I feel left behind by everyone. I’ve been with the same kids since kindergarten, only a few additions and subtractions. I’m going to be honest, I don’t really care to keep in contact with a lot of people from home. We have nothing in common. Our friendship is mostly manufactured. The only thing we were able to talk about together was school. And that’s gone now.
I just can’t describe this feeling, it’s weird.
As an adult, I can share that high school tends to separate long-term friends. Interests become more refined and students start romantic relationships. As young adults mature, interests change as do friend groups.
My point is that even if you stayed at your current school, most likely your friends and social group would change.