BS/MD Results - Class of 2020

Spam this 14 times more then you will be able to PM anyone. You need at least 15 posts before PM capability is enabled.

@Kurnool You should be able to receive PM from anyone. I would suggest you to try asking the seniors in the applicant forum to see if they are willing to counsel you. They seem to be familir with this process and most popular programs. A few of them actually have taken students as their counselees.

@kurnool please see you messages I sent pm to you…

GPA: 3.87(UW), 4.2(W) at time of applications

Class Rank: N/A

SAT: 1520

SAT Subject Tests:
Math: 800
Chemistry: 790

AP’s: Statistics (10th), Chemistry (11th), Physics (11th), APUSH (11th), Language (11th), Literature (12th), Macroeconomics (12th), Microeconomics (12th), French (12th), Biology (12th), Calc BC (12th)
Mainly 4s

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Although I was unable to see them, I assume they were strong. I was very close with my teachers, guidance councilor, and mentor. I know my mentor rec was strong because one of my interviewers had said that letter was very strong.

State: NY
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian
Income: > 250K
Hooks: none


  • International and regional science research awards
  • State debate awards

Medically Related Activities (including community service):

  • Hospital Volunteering (100 hours at time of application)
  • Research (around 700-800 hours at time of application)
  • Shadowing (around 100 hours)

Other ECs:

  • School: Debate/ Environmental
  • Athletics: Baseball/ Cross Country
  • Cofounded non for profit

Applied to the following BS/MD programs:
SUNY DOWNSTATE – interviewed/ waitlisted
RPI/AMC- Accepted
Stony Brook- pre-interview rejection
Temple- pre-interview rejection
Penn Stare- pre-interview rejection
UAB- pre-interview rejection
Augusta- rejected (no interview for the program)
Drew/NJMS- rejected pre-drew interview
Montclair/ NJMS- pre-interview rejection
CNU- accepted (no interview for program)
SBU/GW- made it to SBU interview, rejected pre GW interview
Howard- offered interview (withdrawn)
VCU- rejected pre interview
Oklahoma- rejected pre interview
Toledo- accepted (no interview)
Adelphi/ UAS- made it to Adelphi interview, not passed forward to UAS
SUNY Polytechnic/ UAS- Accepted
SUNY Albany/ UAS- not passed forward to UAS
Hofstra- pre- interview rejection
Drexel- pre- interview rejection
Seton hall- accepted (no interview)
Caldwell/ NJMS- rejected after NJMS interview
SUNY Purchase/ UAS- passed forward to UAS, but SUNY Polytechnic ranked my application higher

Non BSMD Applied:
Binghamton- accepted

Decision: RPI/ AMC b/c it is accelerated, research oriented, and no MCAT

Feedback/ Advice:
When applying to BS/MD schools, apply to as many as possible and allocate as much time as possible to the applications. If the option is given, do not only apply to one undergraduate school if many are available. If time/ money is an issue, focus on the programs that may not have the highest prestige b/c you will have a higher chance of getting in and all that matters is that you get into one program.


Posting results for my child .
I came across this site in feb20 so very late in the game but it has been very useful. We did not have any counsellor or strategy but by the Grace of God child secured a BSMD seat for which we are very grateful to God . Seen a lot of very competitive kids in this forum who have not got a seat but I’m positive they will succeed and secure a traditional seat if they continue to work hard.
Not posting too many details for privacy reasons.

Subject SAT Math/ biology/chem-800, physics -790
13 APs total, 8 at the time of application with most 5
Research with publication
Hospital volunteer summers of high school 3 yrs
EMT certified with many hrs of volunteering
Varsity sports 3 yrs ( can’t count the COVID yr:(
School does not rank but probably 1-2 in a very competitive school district.
Other ec-Black belt karate and junior instructor,Piano

Combined programs -
Pennstate -Jeff - interview / rejected
RPI/ Albany rejected
Pitt/GAP interview postponed
TCNJ/NJIT interviewed accepted

Rutgers honors/ Emory accepted
Cornel waitlisted
UPenn waitlisted
Duke waitlisted
Johns Hopkins rejected
Decision TCNJ/ NJMS

Best wishes to future applicants .


@MDhopetoget Congratulations on TCNJ/NMS. Should your S have applied to more than 4 BSMD programs ? One out of 4 is a great success ratio for bsmd but a bit risky strategy. Can you reflect on your strategy ? It may help future applicants.

Hi, posting this on behalf of my daughter.

GPA: 3.72 (UW)
Class Rank: N/A
ACT: 35

SAT Subject Tests:

  • Bio: 800
  • Math: 720

AP’s: European History (10th - 4), Biology (11th - 4), Psychology (11th - 5), Language (11th - 5), Literature (12th - score pending), Calc AB (12th - score pending), Physics 1 (12th - didn’t take exam)

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Interviews indicated I had strong recommendations from teachers, counselor, and research mentor.

State: CA
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Indian-American


  • Classical vocal scholarship from the Government of india
  • ABRSM Grade 8 Certification in classical piano
  • Silver Medalist - Le Grand Concours
  • Young Female Inspirational Award in Creative Arts

Medical Activities (including community service):

  • Hospice Volunteering (52 hours at time of application)
  • Research (around 480 hours at time of application)
  • Shadowing (around 40 hours)

Other ECs:

  • School: Founder and president of the Musical Therapy Club, Involved in the school musical in Sophomore year
  • Trained in Indian classical vocal for 13 years, have been performing for 5 years in both public and private venues—have also performed to raise funds for charity
  • Music instructor for young students in the community
  • Trained in classical piano for 12 years

Applied to the following BS/MD programs:

  • Union/AMC- undergrad accepted, post-interview rejection
  • SBU/GW- accepted
  • VCU- undergrad and honors accepted, pre-interview rejection
  • Hofstra- undergrad and honors accepted, pre-interview rejection
  • Drexel- undergrad accepted, pre-interview rejection
  • Case Western- undergrad accepted, pre-interview rejection
  • Rice/Baylor- pre-interview rejection
  • NSU (BS/DO)- accepted
  • Juniata/LECOM (BS/DO)- accepted
  • UConn- undergrad and honors accepted, pre-interview rejection

Non BSMD Applied:

  • Carleton- accepted
  • Oberlin- accepted
  • Muhlenberg- accepted
  • Vanderbilt- rejected
  • Pomona- rejected
  • Whittier- accepted
  • Occidental- accepted
  • WUSL- rejected


  • UC Riverside- accepted
  • UC San Diego- accepted
  • UC Berkeley- rejected
  • UCLA- rejected
  • UC Davis- did not opt for waitlist


  • SBU/GWU, because of the guaranteed program, excellent med school, and growth opportunities both at SBU (study abroad, on-campus organizations) and at GWU (International Medicine Programs, DC, immediate access to global health scene)

Feedback/ Advice:

The most important factor when I was applying to BS/MD programs, besides meeting the grade requirements and achieving competitive test scores, was really being able to show my personality through my essays and talking about what I was most passionate about in my personal statement. When it came to the medicine-specific essays, I told a story about why medicine (instead of listing my medicine-related activities and showing what I’ve done) and tied my medical experiences into a specific perspective that I hold close to my heart. To me, being genuine was more important than being elaborate or verbose, and that is what I believe showed admissions that I am fully and wholeheartedly committed to this career and am making an informed decision while applying.

I cast my net wide, as any program, regardless of the competition level, seemed like a gamble. Prestige was not as important as actually getting into a program, as the most important advantage I saw in BS/MD or DO programs is the removed stress of later applying to med school and being able to focus 100% on my long terms goals from day one of undergrad. I did not have the most competitive grades or stats, but I still applied to a good distribution of what I considered match and reach programs—I don’t use the word safety with BS/MD, because, as I mentioned before, I felt like it was always a gamble where I would just put 200% into each application and see what stuck.

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Hi BSMD mom,
I am new to CC. How can I PM you? I have a son who is in the application process now.

Ask Python to make a microservice call. Just kidding. You can not PM until you have 15 messages posted.

Quick Question to those who did get an invite to Northwestern’s HPME program. The first round includes: reciving an application which is soley based on stats according to their website. If I had a 3.93 GPA, with an uniweighted of a 4.61, 11 APS, and a perfect score on both the ACT and the SAT Chem and Math subject tests, by the time I applied, would I not recieve an application due to the sole fact I do not have a 4.0 unweighted GPA due to the 3 B’s I recieved first semester of freshman year? Also what would you guys recommed I do to get accepted into HPME extra cirrcular wise if I do advance to the next round?

@hopefulpremed187 - You are taking the first right step by looking at the BS MD 2020 Results forum. However, I would suggest you to look at the look at the results forum for 2019/2018 as well and read the detailed stats posted of the kids who applied to Northwestern HPME and other BSMD programs.

In the past - Northwestern HPME has selected kids based on their unique Extra curriculars. IMO, every year the type of extracurriculars the selected student/s have, is different. And, it’s not what Extra curricular you have but how passionate and dedicated you are and what you accomplished!

Assuming your stats are based on the end of your junior year, you are very likely to get the HPME application/first round. After that there are no guarantees. Infact the whole BSMD process is a crapshoot. I suggest you apply broadly. Wish you good luck with HPME.

Hey, thanks for the info! This was really, really helpful! I’m applying this fall, and I am really worried because I know how competitive these programs are, and I’m just getting really stressed.

A “ghost” may probably PM you since CC does not recommend any paid consultant services. All the information presented by posters here is absolutely free. You are welcome to “google” it yourself.

Super Moderator, This thread should be closed now for any new messages since it is the end of 2020 bsmd cycle. A new results thread should be opened for 2021 bsmd cycle when the results start coming for 2021.

I hope to give back and help future applicants with my post:

ACT: 36

SAT II: Chemistry- 770, Math 2- 800

GPA: 4.0 (UW)

Class rank: 1 out of <300

APs: 10 at time of application (almost all 5s)
Dual Enrollment at local university: 8 courses by end of senior year

Medical ECs:

  • volunteered 3 years at facility for people with disabilities (>280 hrs)
  • volunteered 3 years at local hospitals (>230 hrs)
  • research at local university, unpublished (spring/summer >170 hrs)
  • clinical project with local health care system, poster (summer 48 hrs)
  • shadowed various physicians (>80 hrs)

Leadership and other meaningful ECs:

  • President, officer of typical school clubs
  • Captain of varsity sport, multi-sport athlete
  • Competed at national level in unique sport (non-school based)
  • Eagle Scout and Scouting leadership roles
  • Mentor, peer tutor in STEM and several clubs
  • Academic Decathlon and Academic Teams
  • Member of community orchestra


  • Academic awards at local and state level
  • National AP Scholar
  • State rank/awards in varsity sport
  • Rotary Club and President Volunteer awards
  • Boys State delegate

Male, ORM
Income: not qualified for need-based aid

Applied to following BSMD programs:
Boston – interview → rejected
Brown – rejected
Case Western – interview (Zoom) → waitlisted ($32,500/yr merit)
George Washington – rejected pre-interview ($25,000/yr merit)
Northwestern – interview → ACCEPTED
Penn State – rejected pre-interview (Schreyer Honors accepted)
Pittsburgh – interview postponed → withdrawn ($25,000/yr merit)
Rochester – interview → waitlisted ($20,000/yr merit)
RPI/Albany – interview → ACCEPTED ($22,500/yr merit)
TCNJ/NJMS – rejected post-TCNJ, pre-NJMS interview
WashU – interview (Zoom) → waitlisted

Applied to following undergraduate schools:
State university – ACCEPTED
Dartmouth – ACCEPTED
Harvard – rejected
Yale – waitlisted

Decision: Northwestern HPME!

Reflection: So glad to be done! Essays are what will get you the interview. I started working on them early, beginning July. I took a risk and didn’t write the typical personal narrative for my Common App so that I could better showcase myself (related to numbers – I’m glad it worked). Also, because I didn’t have outstanding patient clinical experiences, not being a licensed EMT or CNA, I started my Why Medicine essay with a hook about a personal medical condition. Everyone that reaches the interview stage has stellar stats, so what will set you apart is your interview. There were a couple interviews where I got a little nervous and repetitive, which didn’t give me favorable results. I can also say that it is very difficult to sell yourself over a 30 minute Zoom interview. Lastly, I met so many outstanding applicants that I consider myself very fortunate to get into any of the programs. Good luck to future applicants!



Hey frito,

Can I PM you about your ec’s and essays

thx in advance and hope you have an amazing time in Chicago


Congratulations! Looks like you took only ACT and not SAT?
Would you mind sharing your score on the writing portion of ACT, for the benefit of future aspirants? (Asking specifically as it relates to the NU HPME program, also will be great if you can mention section wise scores).


ACT 36 - English 34, Math 36, Reading 36, Science 36, Writing 8 (I know, bad right? so I also submitted an older ACT score- lower composite 33, but
English 36, Writing 12)

@frito2020 - Congratulations on your acceptance to Northwestern HPME as well as for your Eagle rank (I am a Boy scout mentor & an Eagle scout mom).

You have excellent stats which is clear from the BSMD interview invites for BU, UPitt, Northwestern, Case western, Rochester, WashU and RPI/Albany as well as the admissions to T20 schools. Also, impressed by your 8 Dual enrollment courses on the top of 10+ AP courses

Thanks for sharing your stats/perspectives. Your strategy paid off.

Congrats! Welcome Wildcat! Go 'cats!