BS Parent Review of Boarding Schools

I am starting this thread with permission of @skieurope

I think this would be a great resource for current and future BS students and applicants although it is long. Please cut, paste and enter your answers.
Please share your experiences/ thoughts about your school in the format below. Please rate some parameters on scale of 0-5 with 5 being excellent and 0 being Worst. Please add comments to explain as you deem necessary. If you don’t have the answer for a particular question please leave it blank.

Thank you for your time and sharing your views.

School Name:
Student Graduating Year:
Day/ Boarding Student:

  1. Application Process and Interview

Communication with Admission staff:
Webinars (quality and comprehensiveness) :
Local Fairs:
Acceptance rate:
No. of Freshman each year:
No of applications each year:

  1. Orientation/ First Trimester as Freshman

Freshman Bonding events:
Freshman Dorm (singles, doubles, triple or quads and quality):
Upper year dorms (singles, doubles, triple or quads and quality):
Learning center resources:
Executive functioning skills training:
Advisor/ Dorm Parent support:
Peer / Dorm Prefect support:
Communication with Family:
Mental Health Support:
Cell Phone Policy:
Arts/ Athletics/ Club support:
First semester ( graded or Pass/ fail):

3 . Academics

Course Offerings in STEM:
Course offerings in Humanities:
Saturday classes:
Opportunity to drop classes:
No of hours of Homework In first 2 years (with Average course load):
No of hours of homework in Final 2 years ( with more challenging course load):
AP offerings:
Grading (inflation/deflation ):
Assignment/ Homework policy (any extra time if there are multiple tests/ games/travel delays etc.):
GPA distribution:
Faculty offering office hours and support
Outside Class Peer support:

  1. Resources

Endowment per student:
Club support( eg debate, robotics or new club)

  1. Special programs

Academics ( signature/Capstone/ scholar etc.):
Art/ Music ( travel within US or abroad):
Others( farm/ Environment)
Support for research at school:
Support for research at nearby University:

  1. Culture and environment:

Support for students:
Competitiveness among students:
Weekend activities:
Student happiness:
Administrations responsiveness to Students concerns
Ethnic diversity:
Geographic Diversity :
Engagement with local community:
Proximity of Food and Entertainment:

  1. Alumni

Impact of school Alumni on the students:
Most enjoyable/positive aspect:
Least enjoyable aspect:
Alumni interaction with current students:
Alumni support for career:
Other Intangibles: