BSC 450 versus CH 461

<p>Both are biochemistry, but I really can’t tell if there is any difference. </p>

<p>Which one would be better for premed with chem E major?</p>

<p>They are essentially the exact same class. Each dept offers it. Pick whichever one better fits your schedule. If you’re using any AP Bio and AP Chem credits, then I would probably say take the Chem dept version, and then take Cell Bio and/or Genetics to make up for the AP Bio credits.</p>


<p>Check your prerequisites. Both require CHEM 232.
BSC 450 requires BSC 300 first. I think CHEM 461 has an upper level CHEM requirement.</p>

<p>Oh I know about prerequisites, I just wanted to know about the class content</p>

<p>The chemistry department course is understandably more chemical-oriented than the biology department course. I think the “conventional wisdom” is that the biology class is “easier” than the chemistry class.</p>