BSN Midwest Chances

<p>My daughter (junior) has decided to go into nursing and we've started looking at midwest universities. Due to the stressful nature of non-direct entry programs, we are first looking at only direct entry schools. I haven't seen many posts about how competitive the midwest schools are. Does anyone know the GPA/ACT for midwest schools such as Bradley, Marquette, Illinois State, Illinois Wesleyan and Valparaiso? While she's got a 3.55 and 27 ACT, she's not taken any honors classes. But, she's in a top suburban Chicago high school and has a lot off activities (including volunteering with disabled children) and sports. Do you have ideas on what to do in her remaining summer and school to "bump up" her chances at any of the midwest direct entry schools? (She'll be taking AP Bio, anatomy, and stats in her senior year).</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your thoughts. This is a terrific place to gather knowledge!</p>

<p>Few colleges publicly post information about nursing admissions, but some may tell you if you specifically ask. At a minimum, they should be willing to release info about the admission rate for their nursing program.</p>

<p>You can also search this site to find out some anecdotal results. Search the name of the college, nursing and “accepted” or “denied”. For many colleges that are popular on this website, students post their admissions results and stats on the portion of this website that is dedicated to that college.</p>

<p>hmm, i have a spreadsheet that i downloaded from a fellow cc member…i found three of the schools on this workbook.
Bradley’s average accepted Nursing student numbers are 3.42 with 1685 cr/m/w SAT.
Marquette’ Nursing students average 1300 cr/m SAT.
Illinois Wesleyan–3.8 gpa, 1390 SAT.</p>

<p>Thanks. I found the spreadsheet but hadn’t found much anecdotal information on these schools within this forum. I was just curious what any actual applicants have found with these sort of schools.</p>

<p>Would anyone be able to post a link to the spreadsheet? That would be very helpful but I’ve run a few searches and can’t semm to find it</p>

<p>This does not directly answer your question, but the following is the type of info you can find with a search on CC. This is from early 2012 on the Marquette forum portion of CC:<br>
" I will be graduating from the College of Nursing in May. What the College of Nursing fails to tell you is that if you do not get accepted into the nursing program before the start of the Fall semester you basically have a 0% chance of transferring into the program later. They accept 1-2 transfer students each YEAR and 60-80 apply each year for transfer. In the end people spend time taking classes or pursuing majors they want nothing to do with hoping for the college to accept them and when they don’t they end up having to rethink their college path and it can often times leave them behind a semester or two depending on how many times they choose to switch majors in the process.
I think May 1st? Is the deadline for letting MU know if you will be attending. That will be when the “accepted” applicants either show up or don’t and depending on where your daughter is on that list she may get accepted over the summer.
Unfortunately if her dream is nursing, I wouldn’t wait around for Marquette and if I (or anyone I knew was in the situation your daughter is in) I would suggest attending MSOE, Concordia or Alverno (although they are heavily theory based and not as much clinical). If nursing is your true passion is life there is no reason to wait around for Marquette to realize that you are going to be a great nurse and would be beneficial to the program. Enroll in the programs that want you now! "</p>

<p>Here’s a link to that spreadsheet:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@charlieschm - What was really being talked about in the post is about a prospective student that was waitlisted for the program. The program does not accept tranfers from another college within Marquette unless there is an opening due to a student leaving the program. Even if the space becomes available it is very tough to get accepted as a transfer.</p>