BSN/Undergrad Nursing Major Transfer?

Hi guys,

I’m about to graduate high school but my grades were really bad last year (almost straight Cs in honors classes and in an honors integrated studies program, transcript has A LOT of teacher input on my performance and me not living up to my potential). This is partially due to my own immaturity and shortcomings, but there were most definitely factors out of control that contributed to my performance. I have elaborated on these in my college applications this year. Despite the situation last year, I just got my first semester grades back for senior year, and I got all As and A-s except for a B in AP Computer Science. This brings my weighted GPA for this semester alone to a 4.5, with my weighted GPA for 1st-7th semesters of high school to a 3.5. I also have a 35 ACT (36 R, 36 E, 33 M, 36 S).

results so far:
ACCEPTED: Loyola in Chicago, Michigan Tech, University of Iowa, Indiana University, Depaul
DENIED: University of Illinois (in state)
WAITING TO HEAR FROM: Northeastern (reach), Wisconsin (reach), and Pitt (they asked for my first semester grades, which I sent last week. Waiting to hear on a decision)

If I had to bet, I’d say that I’ll probably end up getting a BSN at Loyola or Indiana next year. I know it’s not ideal to go into my first year of college with one foot already out the door, but after having visited both places, I know there are places I’d much rather go and that would be a better fit for me. Are there any schools that offer BSN degrees and would possible accept a transfer candidate like me (showing growth at this rate, assuming I keep getting As in college)? I know I would want to go to UPenn, UNC Chapel Hill, Michigan, UCLA, Wisconsin, Northeastern, and Pitt. Any others that I’m missing/possibilities of transferring as a BSN student to these schools? (I’m especially curious about nursing transfers to UPenn)

Thanks so much!

Most highly competitive universities take few transfers. There are many other universities that are happy to take transfers, but they typically will not offer merit aid to transfers.

You haven’t mentioned finances. Do they factor into your equation at all? Where you get your BSN will not make too much difference with jobs.

Just out of curiosity, did you get accepted to the Nursing program at Iowa? Wisconsin is not direct admit, so you can apply to their nursing program from anywhere after 2 years of study. Likely they would take from UW first.