BU Nursing?

<p>This is a stupid question but I really cannot seem to figure out if BU has a nursing program or not. I've looked at their website and see things about nursing but cannot find a specific program, and I have spoken to people who say that they do have a program and others who say they don't.</p>

<p>So, does BU have a 4-year undergraduate nursing program?</p>

<p>From what I gather from their website (and off the top of my head), BU does not have a nursing program. BC does, however.</p>

<p>Watch out - some colleges list nursing as a major, even though they really mean pre-nursing - you have to transfer to a another college for your junior and senior years. </p>

<p>I’ve also seen some colleges that don’t make it immediately clear that their bachelor of nursing degree is only for students who have a RN.</p>

<p>Boston University’s School of Nursing was merged into Northeastern University’s College of Nursing in 1987. BU no longer offers nursing.</p>

<p>Boston College still has a nursing school.</p>

<p>BU does NOT have a nursing major/program but Northeastern does and boston college (:</p>