Boston College vs. Northeastern Nursing

Hi everyone,

I want to major in nursing. BC and NEU are two of my top choices. Can someone who went to either of these schools for nursing talk about their experiences there? Thank you :slight_smile:

try posting in the Nursing forum, you’re more likely to find people with info about these two

Ok, thank you so much! I am new to this haha.

Academically one of the differences is that BC has a liberal arts core (including a theology course) while NU does not so it offers more flexibility on classes takes. Also NU is big on co-ops and a lot of students will finish in 4.5 or 5 years while BC is more of a traditional 4 year college. However, BC allows to overload a few semesters and that frees a semester for co-op or going abroad. About student life, NU is more urban and more incorporated to the city. Over there you ll probably make friends with students from the other Boston colleges and also because of the co-ops it will be more student movement. BC probably offers a more cohesive campus experience. NU has a very small nursing program and by the time ED1, ED2, Boston public schools, and geographic diversity rolls out there will be very few spots left over. It is very hard to gain fall admission especially if you come from an over-representative area. It is much easier to gain admission to NUin though. Boston college has a few more spots but they also have ED and the numbers will be competitive for RD. If you care for financial aid, both colleges could offer a great package but they are not generally considered generous so it might or might not work depending on your specific situation and how lucky you are.

Northeastern offers a decent amount of merit aid. BC only has 15 full tuition merit scholarships, everything else is need based. If that is a concern to your family.

What is the difference between “fall admission” and admission to "NUin "?

NUin students go fall semester abroad (or in Boston during covid, but not at NU) and they start class at NU campus in the spring semester. If you go to NU forum (under colleges) there is a NUin post with information.

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Hi, one more question - do you think that nursing program at NU is worth it? With NUin and coops it may take 5 years and the cost is pretty high.

It should not take5 years to receive the BSN degree. There are 4 and 5 year tracks.
BSN Nursing - School of Nursing (

Even the 5 year track is chosen tuition is still paid for 8 semesters.

I wonder about the selection process for 4 or 5 years. They say anyone can choose. I guess we have some questions to ask the school. Thank you

The selection is done by the student not the university. A four year program means only two coop periods instead of three.

I sent you a pm.