Boston college vs. northeastern nursing

Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you have had experience with these nursing schools and could give me your opinion on them. Thanks!

I’m looking at these two schools for nursing too!!
What grade are you in?

Bumping this thread because I’m sure the responses will help a lot of people!

I’m currently a junior and thank you!

My daughter is a junior at NEU and loves it. Both are great schools, but very different. Aside from the location and “feel” of the campuses, the core curriculum requirements and the presence/absence of Jesuit training, the co-op at Northeastern is the probably the biggest difference. BC has the more traditional program. Make sure you fully understand what co-op entails if you are considering NEU.

We looked at both schools for nursing. Both have good programs, but the location, campus and core requirements differ (as well as the co-op opportunities at Northeastern already mentioned above). It’s important that you visit both and figure out what type of school offers the best fit for you.