BU SMG Recruiting

<p>I was wondering How recruitment is at Boston University? </p>

<p>Does the career center do a good job in assisting students to gain internships and full time jobs? </p>

<p>And what type of companies come to recruit? Do Investment banks, consulting firms, Big 4 accountng firms, and Fortune 500 companies come?</p>

<p>And can students attain jobs in areas such as the South east upon graduation thru the career center? OR are the jobs mainly for Boston and NE area?</p>

<p>Don’t really know in general. But I do know that Goldman Sachs is coming for a recruiting and networking event in a few days…</p>

<p>^ hahaha, i went to that! were you there?</p>

<p>our career center is pretty damn fabulous, i think we have a 90%+ placement rate or something. we have alot of invesment banks, big 4 accounting firms (ernst & young considers BU one of it’s “top schools” to recruit from, deloitte touche, pwc all recruit actively on campus. kpmg i’m not too sure - haha i’m an acct/finance concentrator as you can tell), and numerous fortune500 companies… if you look around the smg website there’s a list of jobs that were offered to '08 graduates and which company they now work at. </p>

<p>i think it’s easier to find jobs in the northeast, but if once you do get a job offer from a boston office, it’s probably pretty easy to transfer offices to another branch in any part of the world.</p>

<p>I’ve always felt the Feld Career Center has great resources and tons of recruiting events for undergrads. One of the many perks of being in SMG.</p>

<p>Thanks alot for the input! I really appreciate it. I am also planning on concentrating in Acc/Finance. and maybe Comp info systems. I’m from Florida and would to love to work at E&Y down here. </p>

<p>Thanks again. Anymore input will be kindly appreciated.</p>

<p>One more question!</p>

<p>Is it possible for me to gain an internship the summer after freshman yr? Will the career center assist me in doing so? </p>
