BU versus Syracuse

<p>I'm a Canadian graduate student accepted to both Boston U and Newhouse for Journalism. My ultimate goal is sports writing and BU has a sports writing stream, but the overall reputation of Newhouse is better from what I've read. However, being from out of the country I only know what I've read and I'd be interested to hear any opinions one way or the other.</p>

<p>I’d pick Newhouse. I myself am leaning towards going there.</p>

<p>Newhouse’s reputation is stunning. BU, however, is in the center of a stunning city, full of internship and job opportunities. I am a student at Newhouse, coming from a large city, San Francisco. I constantly battle over whether or not I like it: the city of Syracuse absolutely sucks, and the people here (I can’t speak for everyone, because it is a big school and there are exceptions) are into partying and from rich New Jersey families–not the kind of people I hand out with back in SF. However, the reputation of Newhouse keeps me here. The looks I get when I tell people I’m studying at Newhouse is one of awe…so a battle between excellent academics and reputations vs. culture, people, and area. I have spent quite a bit of time in Boston and lived there for a short while–BU does not have as good of a reputation, but the city is amazing. So: Syracuse for academics, BU for the city and possibilities.</p>

<p>Newhouse, no doubt. Especially since you want to do Sports Journalism.</p>

<p>I’ve also applied to both for undergrad</p>

<p>Syracuse is honestly in the middle of nowhere. The city is a ghost town after the students leave, BUT they are considered to have one of the best journalism schools (might be the 3rd best…). They have tons of connections</p>

<p>BU is great. It’s in the city, you will never run out of things to do and learn, they have a great journalism program, BUT they are not as well known as Syracuse, and the networking you might get there might not be as great as Syracuse.</p>

<p>I honestly love both schools, which is why i’m applying to both. :slight_smile:
They are unranked in mind</p>