Business/Accounting Major - Studying Aboard - Belgium - Female

<p>I’ve received some good tips in the past - but updating the title specifically for Belgium Study Abroad.
D has full tuition scholarship and plans to study abroad spring semester. I understand if she enrolls directly in a foreign university, the expense may be less than if she does a specific exchange program with UA.</p>

<p>Does anyone have specific experience with an universities in Belgium that are highly ranked in Business? Someplace that would provide a good collegiate experience, ability to take weekend trips, and housing is provided? Either in a dorm situation or with a family. I don’t want her to have to hunt down housing on her own.</p>

<p>Also - do you recommend she work with the study abroad office, or does CBA offer better recommendations for business majors?</p>

<p>One final question - she has already signed a lease for an off-campus apartment for next year. The apartment claims ‘it’s easy’ to find someone to sublet, but I"m concerned we are going to be on the hook for 12 months of rent when she only is living there 4 months. Any tips on that? Should I insist she get out of the lease and try to live on campus for those 4 months? </p>

<p>Thanks for any tips and advice!</p>

<p>Personally, I would think that subletting is a crap shoot. If she can live on campus, why not? It’s only four months.</p>

<p>On campus housing tends to be more flexible with study abroad. Subleasing might end up costing even more if you have to discount the rent.</p>

<p>CBA tends to be more familiar with study abroad for business majors. Study abroad is often not familiar with what current business students are doing, especially if they are directly enrolling. In CBA, Michael Avant and Dave Heggem are two staff members whom I know have helped students plan their study abroad.</p>

<p>Does she have a specific part of Belgium in mind? While different countries, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are nearby and travel between the countries is extremely easy as they’ve coordinated operations as Benelux since 1944. </p>

<p>European universities typically don’t offer much on-campus housing, but they can direct one to local apartments and may help one find roommates. She may be able to live with students participating in the Erasmus program. </p>