Business Classes for Non-Business Major

<p>How difficult is it to register for business school classes if one is not in the business school? I'm assuming that with the business school and certificate in business students getting priority, classes will fill up before the rest of the school gets a chance to register. Is this the case?</p>

<p>You are right, Non business majors can register for any remaining open business classes after certain priorities. One exception is Gen Bus 300 (Professional Communication) - only students classified as business majors can take this class.</p>

<p>Thanks for confirming. Do you have any idea whether most courses actually have spots available after all the business majors/CIB students have registered? In other words, do non-business majors have any reasonable likelihood of being able to take business courses?</p>

<p>I suspect it will be difficult, in view of the fact that my daughter, who is a bus. major, had trouble getting in to some classes in her earlier years.</p>