Business Econ/Advanced Standing

<p>This is directly from Eller’s webpage
“All majors offered through the Eller College, including the Business Economics major, require students to attain Advanced Standing status. Current requirements for Advanced Standing include the completion of specific foundation courses, a specified minimum GPA, etc. Advanced Standing is not required for the Major in Economics in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.”</p>

<p>I would like to major in Economics (B.S. not B.A.), but am not sure about my chances of being admitted into Eller. Does anyone know what the minimum required GPA is to be admitted as a Business Economics majors?</p>

<p>I dont think its that hard to get into Eller. Just be sure to have a 3.0 gpa or higher and i think there is an interview you have to do with alumni and local business people</p>

<p>I was alittle worried about this myself, but it doesnt seem all that hard as long as you keep your grades up....i got this from wikipedia,so take it for what its worth:
Admissions into Eller's undergraduate program is selective. Approximately 80% of students are admitted every semester to the "professional cohort." The application process involves a minimum GPA requirement, resume, cover letter, interview, and skills assessment test. This thorough process is used to maintain the school's relatively high standing when compared to other public business schools.</p>