business minor

<p>would it be a good idea to minor in management while doing EE major? i'm not very smart and i don't know how muchworkload is in EE. I got ap credits from calc BC and macro & micro econ. I took multivariable calc in high school and could probably take the placement test. or should i just concentrate in ee and get good grades.</p>

<p>You are ahead in math assuming that you could do well on a placement test, plus econ would give you a few general ed credits you need (assuming the school of electrical engineering accepts them). You should have room to pick up a minor, but be aware that an already hefty engineering workload will only get hevier. In addition, business is also difficult because you have to take so many classes outside of your major that do not overlap.<br>
Im finishing up my freshman year here and am going into Mechanical Engineering. I was contemplating going for a business minor, but instead have leaned more towards entrepreneurship or computer graphics.
You have some time to feel things out once you get here, best of luck!</p>