Business School Direct Admit program

<p>Daughter was accepted about a week ago. She indicated Business as her intended major. My understanding is that some accepted students are issued an invitation to apply for direct admission to the Business school as a freshman. Does anyone have any insight into the timing of such an invitation (in relation to acceptance date)? Thanks.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, the invitation email is sent out sometime in February.</p>

<p>They are increasing the number to around 50-60 this year.</p>

<p>Update - my daughter received an email this morning inviting her to fill out an application to be considered for the Business school direct admit program. In the email, they indicated that they planned to admit 80-100 individuals under this program.</p>

<p>This year’s class was 60 up from 40 last year so they are growing that program rapidly.
From the Dean SOB:</p>

<p>“We admitted 60 freshmen directly into the school this fall, all truly outstanding students”</p>

<p>I think this is a response to losing some good prospects to schools with larger direct admit like UMInn and Kelley. Good move IMHO.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi everyone!
I was accepted back in November and I indicated business as my major. I’m really hoping to be a direct admit to the business school. Did all of the invitations already go out or should I still prepare for one in February? Is there anything I can do to be considered for direct admit like emailing my rep?

<p>As the deadline for basic apps has not been reached I’d say no.</p>

<p>Ok! Great. Thanks for the help! :)</p>

<p>More info:</p>

<p>Students will not be notified if they have not been selected for a direct admit review.</p>

<p>We ask that students and families of prospective students do not contact our office (or the UW-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment) requesting to be considered for direct admission status. Assuming the applicant has self-identified by listing business as their intended major of study, their application will be considered in full.</p>

<p>By the Numbers</p>

<p>The following is a typical profile of the student being considered for direct admission.</p>

<p>**PLEASE NOTE: These are not set requirements or parameters; not all students within the following will be considered for direct admit status. This profile is derived from recent classes of direct admit students.</p>

<p>ACT: 30-34 (one-time composite score)
SAT: 1340-1510 (Math and Critical Reading sections)
*Rank: Top 3% of graduating class
*GPA: 3.8/4.00 scale

<p>**Other factors obtained through the UW-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment application process are considered</p>

<p>Do you guys think it’s discouraging that they only look at unweighted? I have taken 11 APs, and it seems like all my hard work is undermined by other students who have taken easier classes and received better grades. Is there a way to petition if you are under qualified for the GPA but within the ACT range? Are these grounds to contact an admission rep?
Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>My advice: don’t contact an admissions rep since the information on the School of Business website specifically says not to. You certainly have a large number of AP classes and I’d say this falls into the asterisked category of “**Other factors” that are considered.</p>

<p>Ok, thank you Madison85!</p>

<p>Daughter just received an email offering her Direct Admit to the Business school. She sent in her Direct Admit application about 3 weeks ago. Very excited and flattered!</p>

<p>Hi I know this is really late but I’m currently a Junior right now and I also really want to be directly admitted. I was just wondering if you could share stats that your daughter got admitted with and other things like ECs or major achievements? Thanks!</p>

<p>Sure - she had a 33 ACT, about a 3.85 UW GPA, total of 8 AP’s, high school doesn’t rank, OOS, decent ECs</p>

<p>Okay thanks!</p>