Business Schools - Accounting

<p>Hey guys, just wondering. I’m a senior and I’m going to be applying soon. I’m just wondering if you guys could give me a break down on the UC school’s business schools? For an example, I heard that UC Davis didn’t have one? Can someone clarify and give me a ranking of some sort on the top to bottom business schools of the UC system? Any help would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>oh, by the way, I’m planning on becoming an accountant after graduating. Please take that into consideration with the rankings, if possible.</p>

<p>thank you :)</p>

<p>Not prividing a ranking, just what each one offer for accounting:</p>

<p>UCB, UCI - traditional under bunisness program, have accounting concentration.</p>

<p>UCLA, UCSD (starting this year) - no under business program , but offer accounting minor
UCLA offers business economics major, UCSD offers management science major.</p>

<p>UCSB - no under business program, but offer Economy & Accounting major (new this year, used to be business economy with accounting emphasis)</p>

<p>UCR also offer under business program, but I’m not sure if it has accounting concentration</p>

<p>UCD, UCSC - no under business program, might offer a few accounting classes, but I don’t think it’s enought to fullfill the CPA requirement.</p>

<p>There is actually a pretty good accounting program at ucsc. I imagine UCD does too. As far as I am aware, UCSC has all of the required Accounting classes to prepare you for your CPA.</p>

<p>Cali, are you refering to the UC extension courses or the MBA courses in UCSC & UCD? I wasn’t able to find the regular undergraduate accounting program in UCSC and UCD’s website. I did see some upper accounting course in UCD’s general catalog, but only a few is open to under. The rest are only open to MBA students. Do you have a link for UCSC or UCD’s accounting program. It would be nice to know them since DD is also applying soon.</p>

<p>I unfortunately don’t have time to find some good links for you, but UCSC has a major in Economics and business management economics. I am focusing towards the latter and want to be an Accountant, or at least for now. I am taking the first class of my accounting series this quarter which is under division, and will move to Intermediate accounting series which is upper division. </p>

<p>My accounting professor was going over the opportunities present at UCSC for accountants. We don’t have a accounting major, but the top accounting firms actively recruit here and are coming to the business fair in October. He stated that the classes offered are more than sufficient for receiving your CPA and getting a good education in accounting.</p>

<p>Cali, thank you! You’ve given good information. Now I got the key word to conduct the search - business management economics :)</p>

<p>UC Davis has a Managerial Economics undergrad major. However, there are not enough accounting courses to qualify to sit for the CPA exam. I’ve known students that took some extra accounting courses at other schools after getting their degree at UCD.</p>

<p>^ Wow, that is lame.</p>