Business (UT Austin's McCombs) vs. IR (American U's SIS)

<p>Both are regularly ranked top ten-fifteen in the nation for their respective degrees. Both are reputable for job placement and internships. </p>

<p>For me, UT Austin is a lot cheaper but AU is definitely affordable so money isn't the biggest factor.</p>

<p>I'm deciding between these two schools right now. I do ultimately want to pursue law school, so I wonder how a great IR degree or a great business degree would play into this. </p>

<p>I heard business is the "safety net" of the two for job placement. BUT I do like IR in general a lot more than business. IR is my dream major, business is just a "alright cool" thing. But the fact that UT is SO cheap kind of evens that part out. </p>

<p>Any suggestions? I'm at a loss here!</p>