Busses from Blacksburg to NYC Area

<p>I just got back from VT after spending two days to tour the university and attend information sessions. I was very impressed but am concerned about transportation between VT and NJ. Does anyone know if there is a Bolt Bus or any other bus system to take to get to NY or NJ?</p>

<p>By the way, my son and I loved the college!</p>

<p>Megabus is an option but it leaves from Christiansburg and getting to NYC may involve some funky scheduling.</p>

<p>My son has found the train is much easier than the bus. On the weekends there is a bus link from campus to the Amtrak station in Lynchburg (<a href=“http://www.smartwaybus.com/documents/smart_way_connector2_000.pdf[/url]”>http://www.smartwaybus.com/documents/smart_way_connector2_000.pdf&lt;/a&gt;), then you can catch the train to NYC via DC. Leaving early on a Saturday morning gets you up to NYC mid-afternoon. The return to Blacksburg gets you in pretty late, although it is certainly doable.</p>

<p>Another possible option (though it is probably more complicated) would be taking home ride to Vienna, VA, getting a taxi to DC and having many more options (train, bus, etc).</p>

<p>If you can make it to Roanoke you can take the greyhound, but the hours will be awful and it’ll be a 12 hour bus ride.</p>

<p>One of my friends here is from Queens, NY.
He said that he has a friend drive him up to Washington DC and then he takes a bus from there. </p>

<p>Honestly, when you come here, you’ll meet so many kids from NOVA and DC that it won’t be hard to find a ride to there. Even if you don’t have a friend to get you to DC, there’s a website called VT Rideboard (or something like that, you need a VT ID to login-so it’s safe) where kids from VT can randomly carpool.</p>

<p>Amtrak has a bus that leaves every day from Virginia Tech to Lynchburg and then a train up from Lynchburg to Newark Penn Station. 2 1/2 hour bus ride to Lynchburg and then a 7 1/2 hour train ride to Newark.</p>