CA Residency Denial - Appeal

Hi, my son had his CA residency denied. We moved to California in 2021 from another state, my son attended high school for 2 years in CA and we (both parents) have jobs and filled tax returns in CA since 2021. USCB claims that we still have ties from the previous state (we have a company registered there, but without doing business since Nov 21) and they also claim I was in the previous state that I lived this year since I have 5 transactions on my credit card (I was there for work for the company I work for that is based in CA). I will appeal that decision. Is there any lawyer that have experience with this? Is there a template that I can use for this appeal? Can someone give me some help here? Thank you!

Do they ask for your credit card history?

They requested all my bank statements and credit card expenses.

I’m wondering if your status as an international student in 2022 has anything to do with this. Did you finally get your green card permanent resident status?

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Yes, we have a green card and it’s nothing related to that. He was not admitted as an international student. The issue is related to the state we lived before moving to California. As I mentioned before they claim we still have ties to the former state we lived before moving to California.

Is there any kind of attorney that does this kind of appeals? Do you know something that might help?Thanks

Have you read through the appeal procedure linked on the UCOP website:

Yes @Gumbymom , we did. Thank you. I wonder if there is an attorney that helps with that.

Sorry, I cannot help with any lawyer recommendations. Wishing you the best of luck with the appeal and please come back to update regarding how you proceeded with your appeal and if you were able to find a lawyer. This could be helpful for future applicants with similar issues.

Not an attorney but I’d collect as many records as you can find:

  • mover’s/shipper’s reciept for move into Ca
  • lease/home purchase agreement
  • utility bills
  • registration to vote (if eligible)
  • bank change of address
  • Car registration
  • Travel (airline?) receipts for travel to your old home office (for 5 dates that they are questioning)
  • Starbucks/other coffee place records if you hit a local place frequently.
  • Other transactions from CA retailers/restaurants to show that you were instate most days
  • Business records to show business has been dormant since '21.

CC is not a referral service. Please ask around in your own community for an attorney.

Posters are welcome to continue trying to assist in other ways.


Thank you for your help @bluebayou.

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I requested my post to be deleted. Sorry didn’t mean to break any rules. Thank you

No worries and as Gumbymom posted, your situation could be helpful for future applicants. I sent you a PM (look for the green circle by your avatar in the upper right hand corner of the screen).