Cal Grant for next year...GPA verification?

<p>I'm getting conflicting reports here. I haven't filled out a GPA verification form for next year because I read that you don't need to if you're already a Cal Grant recipient. However, I was just browsing around the Cal Grant website, and I came across this: </p>

<p>"Please note: The Commission will not process any GPAs that may have been submitted in prior years. In order for a student to be considered for a 2012-2013 Cal Grant award, a new GPA form must be received by the Commission by the stated deadline."</p>

<p>My school's financial aid website says otherwise though:</p>

<p>"Current Cal Grant recipients are not required to submit the GPA Verification form; your Cal Grant award will automatically be renewed for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013, if you still have remaining eligibility and meet income, assets, and unmet need requirements."</p>

<p>I just sent an email to the financial aid office for clarification, but I figured I could get a quicker answer here since they're closed for the day. Do I need to submit a GPA verification form or not?</p>

<p>No. Current recipients only need to submit FAFSA by March 2. GPA is only for new recipients. That first quote is talking about new Cal Grant awards only and is addressing GPA verification for people who applied in prior years but were not awarded Cal Grant. They will not consider those GPAs and GPA must be resubmitted.</p>

<p>The only change that was made that you do need to be aware of (since we all got shocked with it last year as the information was not formally provided until well after the deadline to submit FAFSA) is that current recipients must meet income and asset ceilings same as a new recipient. Previously, one only had to have a small amount of need.</p>