Cal Grant Says I am Independent

This is what is says in my award detail:
Dependency Status: INDEPENDENT
Student’s Marital Status: UNMARRIED
Student’s Family Size: 1

But the thing is… my family size is 4 and I am dependent on my parents. Is there a way to change this? Please help!

Was there a mistake on your fafsa regarding independent status?

The most common mistake is students answer YES to being in guardianship. Did you do that?

How old are you?

yes I did, but I edited it and then they said they updated my cal grant information. My FAFSA is all correct now but the Cal Grant isnt changed.
I turned 18 recently

You are not independent, turn 18 doesn’t make it so. You are a dependent and they haven’t fixed it. You need that fixed so that the award is correct. Call CSAC