Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Help

Hi everyone,

This is the first year that I would be considered financially eligible to receive a Cal Grant. I have been submitting a FAFSA since I was a graduating senior in high school but was never deemed eligible to receive one because my mom made too much money. However, this year I switched my FAFSA to reflect my dad’s information instead of my mom’s.

So far, I have been tentatively awarded (pending) a Cal Grant A - Transfer Entitlement.

But here’s the problem - I already transferred. I transferred to UCLA this year, but for last year I wasn’t even considered for Transfer Entitlement, I was just considered for Competitive.

What does this mean for me going forward? I’m assuming that I will not receive a Transfer Entitlement Cal Grant, but will I still be able to receive a Competitive one? Is there any way for me to receive the Transfer Entitlement one since they didn’t even consider me for it during the academic year I actually transferred?

Since I’ve never gotten one before I really don’t know how they work and any insights would be helpful.

Thank you!