Cal Grants

<p>So I got my Cal grants mail today. It only listed 3 of the colleges I applied to. Does this mean that the other UCs didn’t offer me a cal grant? <— I’m not even sure if that’s how it works. I have no idea how this works. How were the schools chosen? Were those just the first 3 I put on there?</p>

<p>I don’t know which schools I’ve gotten into yet. On the second paper that comes in the mail, it says that I can change it but it urges me to do so in a timely manner. But how late is too late and will this affect the amount I get?</p>

<p>bump, please don't let me screw this up</p>

<p>Register yourself at <a href=""&gt;;/a> and when you find out which school you plan to matriculate into, change your information. It will not affect the amount you will receive. That money is basically already yours. It's just that the school you're matriculating into needs to know how much you're getting from the cal grant so they can build your personal financial aid package around that and your EFC (i.e. less scholarship money, less loans, etc)</p>

<p>thank you </p>
