Cal Poly acceptance in jeopardy?

<p>I got into Cal Poly SLO ED and I had this lingering fear that I had accidentally made a huge error on my application and I would lose my admission. On the bright side I didn't have any major problems but I did have a few small problems. 1) for my graduation date I put 06/2013 instead of 05/2013 because for some reason I thought we would be graduating on the first of June not the 29th of May. 2) For my government class I put "in progres" for both the fall and spring semesters when it is only a one semester class that I'm taking during fall. 3) I forgot to put marching band down for non a-g classes (though this one could have helped me in admissions as I've gotten an A in it every semester). Will I lose my acceptance because of these problems? My friends, parents, and counselor told me that I wouldn't get my acceptance taken away for such small things but I would like outside opinions. I'm really freaking out over this for some reason but I would really like to know.</p>

<p>I think you are worrying too much; send the admissions office an email and let them know what happened. I’m sure they’ll be more than understanding.</p>

<p>Why would you lose an acceptance for not adding an extra curricular? They have obviously deemed you worthy of attending their school, so calm down. And congrats!</p>

<p>Yeah, after I wrote all that I realized that they don’t seem like reasons someone would get their acceptance taken away. I emailed the admissions and explained it to them but I don’t really think they’re going to care about something so small. Thanks</p>