Cal Poly admissions

Hi! My son just got accepted (condiditonally) to Cal Poly. He is over the moon about it, as it is his top choice in schools. However, we have one concern. He did list as “planned” or “in progress” an elective course of Environmental Science AP, which he was enrolled in at the time of his application. Realizing he didn’t really need it, he dropped it after the 2nd semester with a B in the class (counts as an A because it was an AP class). He did this so he could have more time to focus on generating more work in his self-established tutoring business. He is a business major so he thought having his own outside business is more important than taking a class he doesn’t really need. Before this change, he was seeing 6 students after school, but since the drop he now sees 9 kids. He is a little worried that because of this change, they may not admit him. He accepted the offer and sent an email explaining the change. Do you think he won’t get to keep his acceptance because of this change he made in his schedule after his application? We would all be devasted if this changes things. I advised him at the time not to do it, but he thought he’d be fine. Now, we are all slightly worried. Thoughts? Have you ever heard of someone not getting in after acceptence for dropping a previously listed class that wasn’t a core class?

Would love an answer ^

It all comes down to how many semesters of science does he have after dropping. If he still has the full 8 that is desired, then no worries. If this drops him to 7, then he could potentially lose some MCA points.

Check the MCA calculation here

Figure out the rigor points (max 750). If he has the full 750 still without the Env Sci, he should be fine.

Call the admissions office. Not an email, a phone call. Like @MelloG said, it might not matter. However, “planned courses” are factored into the MCA and can have an effect on rigor points.