Cal Poly Class of 2022 Thread

@Bayarea5: RPTA has a projected acceptance rate around 70% so if your daughter is close to the average stats for the College, then she has a good chance at an acceptance. Since SLO is overenrolled this year, the projection may not be accurate.

Averages for the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences:

Average CP GPA: 3.90 Average ACT: 28 Average SAT: 1315

When you get the acceptance/denial email or portal update, does it tell you your MCA score?

@teachmama2: No, your MCA score is not listed.

when configuring act and sat numbers for mca, do you include both scores when figuring out your mca score? Or do you use the highest number?
And do you multiply them both by 1.03125? Ex. My daughter received a 1300 on sat and 31 on act. Act will be higher bc the sat equivalent to her act is 1420 and she’s way off?

Only math and English scores of act. Super score and use the higher of sat or act.

Okay… so I’ve calculated her score at 4,674 with a Kinesiology major . What do you all think about her chances? We’re in state (not SLO’s area, San Diego)

Application portal is closed until midnight… interesting?

Portal is closed every Wed night for maintenance

@Gumbymom: Thanks for the info. She has a 3.7 GPA and 28 ACT, so hopefully she has a decent chance.

Does anybody know what time of day they send out acceptances/rejections? For example, are they sent at midnight or in the morning or are they just sent out at a random time?
Would it be more likely to find out on a weekday or weekend?
Also, I know they’re sent out in waves and the first wave usually comes out in mid-February, but at what point would you say everyone knows? I’m just curious as to whether I should be expecting to know in a week or over a month.
Thanks for the help!

@bumblbee Nothing seems to ever come out on weekends. Are you waiting for something impacted?

@CopperlineX2 just psychology, but my understanding is that every undergraduate major is super impacted. I could be wrong though

@bumblbee I’m embarrassed to say I confused this with the CPP thread. You are correct that CP is impacted campus wide. Most acceptances seem to come out over a 2 week period from mid to late Feb. Good luck!

Impacted, by CSU definition, simply means that more applicants apply than they have slots for. That means not everyone who applies gets in. Beyond that, the level of impaction can only be determined by the projections page.

Okay! Thank you so much @CopperlineX2 @eyemgh

I have a 4.25 wgpa with 1510 sat and 790 sat math 2. Ok ecs. Chances of engineering?

4.7 Weighted. 4.0 UW. History Major. 33 ACT. Chances?

What’s the acceptance rate for City and Regional Planning?

@xafl134 , you are 100% accepted. Maybe the only History major in the whole school though …

Current Cal Poly SLO freshman majoring in animal science here! I know that this is a tense time for a lot of you awaiting decisions, but be patient and know that everything happens for a reason and that you will end up at an amazing school!
If you have any questions about freshman life, animal science major, or anything else in between ask away :smiley: