Cal Poly Class of 2022 Thread

Would you mind posting your stats? I applied Animal Science as well and want to get an idea of what my chances are. Thanks!

Keep in mind that the stats posted aren’t necessarily going to make you feel better at all. In fact, they may make you more nervous. While Cal Poly is a numbers school, a composite ACT may not be reflective of the Math and English scores (the only ones they look at). The GPA needs to be the A-G Cal State gpa. The ECs need to be quantified in hours spent and leadership. There are numerous other factors and we may not even know what they are. If you are admitted, fantastic. If you aren’t, then it was just not the right fit for you and that is okay. It in no way reflects upon your work ethic or you as a person. It bears repeating that “where you go is not who you’ll be”. Please relax and take @Ritzcrackers01 's advice.

Hello everyone! I’m a second year Cal Poly Art and Design student in the Graphic Design Concentration. I remember very clearly how stressful this time was for me! If you’re interested, the date of my acceptance was March 11th but the delay was due to the portfolio review process required by my major. I applied with a weighted GPA of 4.3, an old SAT score of 1620/2400 (clearly not important for my major), substantial extra-curricular activities, a few CC classes, and a decent portfolio.

If you guys have any questions about campus life, the art program, and academics please let me know and I’ll be happy to answer!

SAT → 1230
GPA → 4.2
Good luck :slight_smile:

sat: 1460
gpa: 4.26
major: computer science

nervous omg

CP is my son’s reach school. He didn’t really push his freshman year - was thinking that most CA public schools just look at 10/11. He has a steady upward progression grade wise, good test scores and 6 APs. Just wondering if we should even hold out hope with 65K apps!
CP GPA - 3.77
SAT - 1400
MCA - 4300-4400
major - Architectural Engineering

Does he even have a chance?

When are decisions coming out???

I don’t know … I’m nervous as (as my son would say). Checking portal and this thread 5 times a day. I’m hoping decisions start rolling out next week. Older brother received his acceptance decision the week of Feb. 15th back in ‘16. He’s OOS, so I think his was a bit earlier than most.

I just checked the portal!!!

No determination…

@xafl134 heart. Attack.

Am I the only one obsessively checking this thread and the portal every other hour?? I’m also so nervous because I regret applying with a kinesiology major, as my ACT is only 29. I should have tried for environmental sciences…

@tidepods You are definitely not the only one. I know my friend and I both found this thread and have been checking several times per day (I think it’s gotten up to 7 or 8) and it’s definitely nerve-wracking. Like you, I regret applying for my major, but all we can do now is wait! It helps me to get my mind off of it (and it protects the sanity of my friends and family who don’t want to hear about it anymore). Hopefully we just have a few more days!!

@tidepods, do you want to be an environmental scientist more than a Kinese major? If not, then you’re better off as a Kinese major at another school if you don’t get into Poly. It seems like an overly stressful time, but it absolutely not need be. Your school will not define you. What you do will. Go read this including the linked NYT article. It’ll make the next few days, weeks, possibly months, FAR more bearable. Good luck!

Just got into Cal Poly Slo- Animal Science !

SAT: 1320
G.P.A. 4.0/4.0 (unweighted)

Dear _________,

We are pleased to offer you conditional admission to Cal Poly in Animal Science for the fall 2018 quarter. As you know, Cal Poly’s selection process is highly competitive. You were selected from a record pool of over 65,000 academically accomplished students who applied for admission in the fall. On behalf of all of us here at Cal Poly, congratulations!

Congrats! @KhaoSoiii

Are you in-state?

Yay congratulations! Still no determination on my portal ):

I am an international student.

@eyemgh I’m in between right now. My plan was to minor in environmental sciences. But thank you for the link!! It did help a lot. I wish I had read that article during my application period… I think I’m just getting so caught up in Cal Poly’s image. I’m telling myself right now that maybe CP isn’t for me if I’m still indecisive about my path. I’m just panicking right now because I’ve been reading the 2022 threads from other schools I’ve applied to and the stats are way higher then mine.

@tidepods, just don’t eat tide pods. :smiley:

Seriously though, we’ve created this very false construct that we should go to the hardest admit school we get into, assuming it will be the “best.” In reality, the best varies from person to person based on the fit criteria that are important to them.

My son is about done at Cal Poly, but when he was in your shoes, it took him right up until the deadline to decide where he wanted to go after his acceptances rolled in. He was high conflicted between Poly, a moderately difficult admit small tech school in the east, and a large western engineering program that accepts almost all their applicants.

It wasn’t about selectivity. It was about fit and every school in his list was a good fit. The final thing that sealed the deal…the weather.

So, you applied to your schools for a reason. No matter where you end up, you’ll thrive. Good luck.

Are decisions coming out today?