Cal Poly Pomona Official Thread Class of 2027

same here …D applied for CS…just got email today offering CPP Choice and opt in for 3 options with closest match to her interests being Business Admin- CIS. She has a direct admit to Comp Eng at SJSU (local applicant). Currently staying home and commuting to SJSU appears to be her top option…

Very interesting. We are in the same boat. Admitted 7 CSUs for CS, CPP for CIS and ASU for SE. Our son is keeping CPP in his “top 4” due to the quality of the gym, the freshman non-local (mostly) on campus requirement, the quality of the new dorms and overall campus feel.

Re the CIS major specifically, it’s one of the oldest and best established programs of its type. It requires 17 biz courses (basic undergrad overview of supply chain, 2 accounting courses, marketing, HR, coms, econ, strategy, etc.) and ~7-9 technical courses (3 subtracks - software engineering, cyber and BI(?)). The cyber track is particularly good - better to major in CIS vs. CS if that is what one is interested in). We thought about the CIS major and CS minor and it is possible (called to confirm) but per @Gumbymom’s note, might be hard to get classes. If one were to do the CIS major + CS minor you’d wind up with the equivalent (minus 3-4 classes) of a CS degree + biz minor/double major (functionally speaking).

If you’re worried about a job search, I wouldn’t worry, it’s a well regarded major and the path to becoming a SWE can go through CS, Comp Eng or CIS. And really, what’s most important to the SWE job path isn’t even taught in any UC or CSU - it’s Leetcode. The degree/school/resume might get one in the door, but it’s the leetcode (or other equivalent) results that will land an internship or job.

Ultimately, our kiddo is going to decide based on gym/food/campus vibe/location and then major - his point is that if he’s not happy at the school overall then he’s less inclined to study, regardless of the major. That’s ok with us!


Congrats! Great option there! Our kiddo wasn’t interested in the HW/EE aspects of the Comp E. degree so stuck with the CS approach and then CPP threw this CIS thing at us!

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when will cpp start releasing waitlist decisions ?? Last year did they start releasing mid april ??

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It depends upon when spots open up. Most waitlist admits will happen after the May 1 SIR deadline.

Congrats !! Did you get request to submit portfolio ?

No Architecture portfolio submission needed for Cal Poly Pomona or SLO

S23 was admitted today via CPP choice. Original major was Electrical Engineering. He was offered 5 options Industrial Engineering, manufacturing engineering, math, physics or electronics technology (or something like that). He will not pursue as he committed to UH-Manoa for EE this past weekend.


A post was split to a new thread: UC Davis, Santa Crus or CSU Long Beach for CS

My kiddo doing Physics - accepted in Feb. we went to see campus last week. He loved it. We loved it. The gym is amazing. The vibe felt nice, safe at home. We are from Oakland. Also Claremont so nice ! and not far. We are going to accept. :purple_heart::butterfly::purple_heart::pray:

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Also the horses and farm shop and deck chairs scattered over the green spots - so cute. I really loved this place as a mum💜

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Loved it. We are accepting. Gym amazing. Campus lovely - a nice vibe. Just lovely.

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We’ve still got a couple more schools to visit but maybe we’ll see you in the fall! Congrats on the decision and wrapping up this process!

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Any decision yet after it changed to Admission Review a few days ago? His ME application still at just received :confused: no updates to review yet.

Same here. We are still at Admission Review for CS (since Nov 8!) Surely we will hear by Friday?

Rejected to the primay major but offered to alternate major.

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What’s the alternate he was offered?

One of less impact Engineering major.

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I don’t remember if we applied for an alternate or not. I thought we did but got a straight up rejection. Anyone know if we can appeal for consideration to a different major? Or maybe we just go with one he was admitted to? I’m kind of heartbroken right now

You cannot appeal for a change of major. You can enroll and then try to change majors.