Cal Poly Pomona Official Thread Class of 2027

My D23 also got accepted for Environmental Biology, Environmental Science at CPHumboldt, and Climate Science at SJSU. She’s debating among the three.

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I will. Also we applied to housing 7.40am on March 1. The website opened at 7.30 but we couldn’t get in with our pre-filled app until 7.40. Agree if you have been accepted - even if you doubt accept fill in housing app like tomorrow.

My son has not heard from CPP yet, still waiting. We tried to go to the UHS Portal to apply for housing, and it would not let him sign in. There was an error with log in, how do we fill out an application if he hasn’t been accepted yet? I’ve seen previous threads in previous years also recommend this; but we aren’t sure where to find the application or apply.

I just re-read the housing site- says it’s only accessible by admitted students :frowning: Guess we will wait!

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Hello… so if CPP has not responded yet, does it mean, my son will get rejection? TY

No Decision means No Decision. So many of the CSU’s are slow in getting out all decisions especially the impacted campuses. You should hear by April 1. If not, then I would contact CPP admissions.

Have you checked the student portal? Junk/Spam folder?

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We were very discouraged, CPP is a top choice for DD, and she received an acceptance on 3/9. I think a lot of schools are really taking their time rolling out all decisions. Good luck, wishing your son an acceptance very soon!


Thank you… Yes— checking portal and it says under review for aerospace engineering major.

Aerospace is a very impacted major.

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CPP is my sons top choice - he has been accepted to 4 other schools, out of state school accepted Dec, and all acceptances for CSU schools came late Jan and early Feb - even from impacted schools. So this is AGONY as this is his first choice and the last for a decision. We know Mechanical Engineering is tough- but it’s driving me insane personally :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

In state- out of area; decent grades but below 4.0 but accepted to 4 other ME programs, even in impacted schools.


Ring the housing the dept they were lovely when I talked to them, but we had been accepted do not sure. But give them a call.

Oh I am sorry. They do have more housing this year I believe, but do sign up as soon as you are accepted even if you haven’t made your mind up.

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Thank you for the advice. We did get on the housing list that morning also, just in case. Actually on three housing lists right now. :joy:

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Similar situation. My son applied for mechnanical engineering. Four ABET accredited schools accepted including OOS. I believe ME is most diffcult to get into among engineering majors at CPP. I think my son can not make it, but CPP will consider alternative major. Not all Engineering major are impacted. Good luck!


Be prepared as they say. Better to sign up than not :purple_heart::pray::butterfly:


This shows the level of impaction & admission CPP index scores - good reference Freshman Student Profile


Visited the campus yesterday and it was great. Lots of greenery, lots of open space. Lots of newer buildings. Jr’s ratings were: gym (BRIC) 10/10, food (we ate at centerpointe after the tour) 6/10, overall 8/10. The tour itself was a bit meh as they have to cater to three types of prospective students: admitted transfers, admitted freshmen, HS juniors, and dorm visits weren’t included. Definitely recommend visiting though - the pics on the school site don’t do it justice.


My kid liked the Starbucks on campus :rofl: and I thought it was cool that it was staffed by students. We liked the library and the gardens too. The history about the horses is neat. We didn’t eat there, probably should have. But felt there was enough food choices so that’s good.


You said dorm visits weren’t included, but did they talk at all about odds of getting new dorms vs old dorms for freshman?

That is so interesting and shows why some get in and some don’t. The Major is a huge factor. My accepted S23 is doing physics. So higher than a lot but wow CS is a tough one