Cal Poly Pomona, UCSD or UCDavis for Engineering Transfer Student

<p>Hello everyone, </p>

<p>So Cal Poly SLO rejected me. They only accepted 28 mechanical engineering transfer students (out of 241 applicants). The average GPA of the admitted transfer student for M.E. was 3.64 ... and I didn't make the cut.</p>

<p>Cal Poly Pomona already accepted me, and I'm waiting to hear back from 4 UCs. I think I have realistic chances of getting accepted into UCSD and UC Davis. So given the mechanical engineering programs for each of those schools, which one would you guys recommend?</p>


<p>Wait back till you hear back from the UC’s. But if I were to be accepted to UCSD, UCD, and Cal Poly Pomona then I would suggest UCSD because of the atmosphere and it is also more notably known nationwide as a college. Cal Poly Pomona is really known as a commuter school with nothing but cows and horses nearby. Although Davis does have the frequent cow sighting, I have heard that there is a lot of university spirit when going to some of the Aggie games.</p>

<p>I also applied to UCI and UCB. I would rather go to CPP over UCI, and I don’t think my grades are enough to get into UCB. </p>

<p>I checked out the CPP campus this last weekend. I thought the area was ok, nothing phenomenal, but they had enough engineering projects/competitions going on that I imagine I would be kept quite busy. The buildings are somewhat old, but not run down. The dormatories for the underclassmen … omg. I used to be in the Coast Guard and lived in very tight quarters on the ships I was on. When I took the tour and poked my head into the dorms for the underclassmen, even I felt like those were cramped! But at least as a transfer student, that wouldn’t really apply to me, but just sharing what I noticed.</p>
