Cal Poly SLO 2023 Admissions Decisions

When does Cal Poly SLO release it’s admission decisions for Class of 2023?

You are in the wrong forum but my DD also applied to Cal Poly… and their website said 4/1. Soooo far away.


@parentofsix, where does it say that? They’ve never released their first round of acceptances that late.

I believe its closer to March 23

@eyemgh their site says by 4/1. i am just going by the UT Austin’s way since it was posted in that forum. Some say decision comes out 3/23 while others say 3/15. Apparenty UT Austin said their decision comes out by 2/1 but in-state students have already got theirs while most OOS haven’t heard by their deadline 2/1 8:07pm Eastern.

SO confused! We are in the Cal Poly Forum and the question seems to have been asked in the Cal Poly Forum. Oh well. :smiley:

I think parentofsix’s both posts were made in the wrong forum (he/she thought was in UT Austin’s) which I can understand since my DS applied to so many schools as well. :slight_smile:

I believe the original post was made in the UT Austin Forum and one of the moderators moved it into the Cal Poly SLO forum which is the correct forum. I remember seeing it in the wrong forum originally so comment #1 makes sense.

Hey, what is going on? My D got into B.Arch program today. Just got acceptance email. What is conditional admission? It said D should maintain Above 3.0 GPA. Does anyone get in?

@Aspenlove: Based on your other posts, your D is an International applicant and some International applicants have already heard. Congratulations on her acceptance and yes to keep the provisional admission, you need to maintain a 3.0 weighted GPA or higher Senior year to keep the acceptance. Most colleges have a provisional admission contract.

Thank you. My D is a US citizen, but living in Japan due to my job. It makes sense.

Congratulations @Aspenlove! This is great news that they’re now starting to send out acceptance emails. Are you OOS? My DS is also a US citizen, living overseas due to my job.

I am not sure. Before leaving US, we had been Cal residents for 10 years. Technically we are still Cal residents. She may be AB540 eligible. I guess. Anyway, she may go to U of Miami, where she got very generous merit scholarship.

@eyemgh - Two questions. 1. My son’s calculated MCA at ~4617 and applying to Industrial Engineering and is in-state. What’s the likely chance of acceptance/waitlist/denied? 2. As in state when should we expect to hear?

@FlyYellow, I’m not big at “chancing,” but I would guess that would be competitive for IE. I can’t say for certain because no one ever knows how strong the applicant pool will be. I’d guess acceptances will start to roll out for OOS in about two weeks, with in state right after, but that’s a guess too.

@Aspenlove, congrats again! University of Miami is a GREAT (and competitive) school. I have two co-workers (one with a daughter med school bound, and another first-year pre-med). Both have great things to say about the school. It makes the decision tough–especially when offered scholarships.

@sawadeeka, Thank you do much.

My son just logged into his CalPoly portal this afternoon and saw changes. Anyone else?

it says for me that the application server is down?

@swampmoonster - the portal always closes for routine maintenance between 8 pm and midnight on Weds nights. Good luck with your application!