Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@To2023 - My OOS daughter got one as well. It is broken down by quarter if you click on it so it’s $1000/year.

A friends mom called the admissions office. They said they are still in the middle of acceptances still and the rumor on this specific thread is completely false. Decisions will be released within the next couple weeks and NOT just waitlist/rejections.
There’s still hope :slight_smile:

@2toplace You asked about other differences for OOS vs IS students. I have a 2nd year OOS CS student at Cal Poly. Last year there was a big announcement that students would be able to take one online course each quarter for free through any CSU campus. This seemed like such a great offer since it is very difficult to get CS classes on campus at CP. Unfortunatey, after looking into the offer further it was not really offered to all current Cal Poly or CSU students, but only to in state students.

@momlikes2run I applied as a biological sciences major and have not heard back.
In state
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.5
SAT: 1400 (first and only try)
I hate this wait because all of my friends that I’ve asked so far have gotten accepted and some with lower stats than me and have random/easier majors.

@kforty2 Thank you. My girls would also be in CS. How hard is it to get the classes they need? Do OOS students get to registration at the same time in state students do?

That what’s they said last week when I chat with the admission office. Figer cross!

@college2019bound Makes a lot of sense!!! When more students accept their spots than they plan for, you have a housing crisis and not enough spots in classes… We are all waiting for acceptances, but they have a lottery game to play on their end, too.

Trust me, you don’t want your child to be in a class where more came than they planned for. Causes all kinds of issues!

Has anyone been declined or waitlisted as of yet?

Still “No determination has been made at this time”. We are on pins and needles. Friday got turned away from Davis. Mechanical Engineering. Sending out good wishes to everyone!

@marinebioslo , @Gumbymom - Thanks. I see the details now in Award Summary on the portal. The $1K scholarship is divided across three academic quarters per year.

@2toplace Registration is based on the progress you have made towards your degree, it’s not based on residency or year in school. Cal Poly takes AP credit for some courses, but they are not as generous as some other universities. You can look at their AP credit awarded on their website. My son did go in with a handful of of AP credits (maybe 5 or 6 courses worth credit). However, he said that everyone admitted to CS has those same AP credits so it really didn’t put him ahead of fellow freshman CS classmates with registration. So far he has been fairly lucky with registration, but he has had to take classes at 7am and 6:30pm a few times already. It is difficult to get your ideal schedule or prefered professor. Along with some luck, I do wonder if his registration has worked out so far only because he is younger and has a wider variety of courses he still needs to fulfill requirements. I’m expecting it to become much more difficult as the classes he needs are narrowed. I have heard that when it comes time to take the required tech electives as upperclassmen CS students realistically have to take whatever is available, rather than what is suited to their personal area of interest in CS which is really unfortunate.

Many people have advised looking into taking courses you can’t get into at CP at a local community college or at your home California CC during summer break (which only of course doesn’t work if you are from out of state). I looked into having him take a local CC course during the school year, but found that even though he was living on campus as an enrolled student at a CP, he would still be charged the OOS rate, plus there wasn’t much available that he needed. He did take an online course this summer through a Washington CC, but you have to be very careful to ensure that Cal Poly will accept that credit. It was difficult to find a class that would work (I think he ended up taking a Philosophy class). I believe it is mainly GE credits that can be tranferred from another school and not classes in their major.

I think you are smart to be asking questions specific to your daughters’ major. You can’t go off of the experiences of other majors. Some students can graduate in 3 years or plan schedules that never require registering for classes on a Friday. This is just not the case for CS majors.

My son did not want to stay in state for college so we didn’t have options with cheaper in state tuition to consider. While Cal Poly offers one of the lower OOS options, he did have comparable private options which might have been cheaper in the end since he probably could have graduated in 4 years rather than the extra quarter++ (and extra summer housing $) it’s likely to take at Cal Poly.

All that said, he does really like Cal Poly, it is a good fit for him, and it is of course a fantastic place to visit. He’ll be living off campus next year (assuming he and his friends can find housing at this late date…) Housing is very expensive and competitive off campus. Plus you need to pay a 12 month lease. Of course some students stay there over the summer to work or take classes, but my son prefered to come home last summer and will do the same this summer or intern elsewhere. Reddit is a good source to hear what upperclassmen in CS have to say about the program. The registration woes are discouraging and I’m expecting them to worsen.

Good luck with your daughters’ decisions! There are a lot of great things about Cal Poly, but it’s smart for them (and you) to know exactly what they are signing up for so there aren’t any unfortunate surprises.

how did you ffind out that her semester of college class was counted as a full year? On the A-G screen, it says I have 8 semesters of math, even though I entered 6 semesters of HS math, and 2 semesters of college.

@eyemgh any idea how they count college classes for the highschool math credit section? Someone posted that they took a semester of a college class, and it counted as a full year of highschool math. Does it go by credits? Or how exactly do they determine the amount of semesters you get from taking a class. Ex; Math 260 and Math 265

does anyone know if cal poly views senior year grades for waitlisted students?

@c2019student: No they do not consider Senior grades if waitlisted. You are accept or decline the waitlist but no other documentation is submitted.

@c2019student is waitlist out?

i had to dig but i confirmed several months ago that a college semester class counts as a year. its on the CSU website somewhere. My D also was accepted to SDSU and her college class had to be counted for a year or she wouldnt have qualified.

no it isn’t im just preparing if i get waitlisted lol sorry for freaking you out! @plzgivmecollege

@plzgivmecollege, it’s as @StacysMom24 said. Hours of the class don’t really figure in.

@ kforty2 Thank you for the information, I appreciate the time you took to respond. The girls had pretty much decided on Cal Poly but now I am getting nervous. The did not get into UW direct admit to CS so there is not a good public option in WA. They do have private school options with good scholarships but I don’t feel their programs are as strong as Cal Poly. I wonder if there is hope that class availability will improve with the oversized class of 2017 moving through?