Cal Poly SLO Dorm Question: 1st come 1st served or Lottery?

I do see that the dorm assignment is based on the LLC choice, for the most part, and is somewhat random. What I cannot determine is whether the assignment is also based on when the application is filed or instead is a lottery assignment where everyone’s is done at the same time/date. The official school website doesn’t seem to address this.

My son is narrowing down his choice of school between Cal Poly SLO and UCD and needs to know if there is any time pressure or advantage. We’d like to have time to wait and see if tours are re-opened before making the final decision. Does anybody happen to know the answer?

I did try to search for the answer and didn’t find anything before posting, so please pardon me if this has been previously discussed.

Not sure on that school but UCSB Re open for tours May 4th. Not the best date if most schools want you to decide by the 1st. If I remember correctly in Cal poly tour they mentioned that you do your dorms on a Facebook account.
Good luck and Congrats.

My daughter applied for housing at Cal Poly yesterday. The application stated that there is no advantage to applying early, that as of a certain date everyone who has applied will be put into a lottery–sometime in May, or could be July–sorry I can’t remember exactly, but it’s definitely after the May 1 deadline. Then, based on your lottery number, you go into the system and choose your room. At least that’s what I got from it.

Older daughter is a 3rd year at Davis, coincidentally, and I seem to remember that you put your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices, based on area (Tercero, Segundo, etc.) and room size (double, triple, etc.) Then you are simply assigned a room.

Lottery at both

Thank you all for that information. Since the time that I posted this topic, I came across the new student things to do calendar, and that shows a lottery in June, which confirms everything. This is great news as my son applied at the very last moment for Cal Poly SLO so we never visited the campus and, based on how happy his friends are for him, he now wants to visit the campus before committing. Not having to worry about falling down the priority ladder really helps us out.

@kikiob : Would it be possible for you to pass on your oldest daughter’s recommendations for UCD dorm rankings? Any info would help tremendously.

Stay safe everyone…

She chose and was assigned a double room in Tercero. They are all newer, gorgeous, spacious rooms and I think were designed to eventually all be triples. She is on the swim team, so proximity to the aquatic center was important to her (Tercero), but it is a big complex and hosts most of the freshmen. There is a great DC in the area as well–the food there is nothing like I remember from my college days! We actually got her an off campus meal plan the past 2 years so she can go a couple times a week between classes.

She says segundo is a little older, but still nice, more intimate, buildings not as big as Tercero. Cuarto is going to be all new; they just rebuilt the whole complex from the ground up. Tercero is definitely the biggest and houses the most students. Can’t go wrong. Feel free to message me for more info if you end up at Davis! Also FYI the off campus rents are some of the most affordable of all the UCs or even SLO. If you can’t tell, we have loved having her there and will miss our visits after next year. At least we have SLO for the next 4!