Cal poly slo fall 2019 transfer thread

Major: Psychology
GPA: 3.45
AA-T/AS-T : Yes
Pre-reqs: Done
Local: Yes

Any other Psych majors?

Major: Psychology
GPA: 3.83 with AAT 3.93?
Pre reqs: done
In state

Did you get accepted?? ??

Still waiting:(

Psychology major here. Local. Transfer. Very anxious

Major: Child development
Gpa: 3.6
Pre-reqs: Done
Local: No
In-state: Yes

Major: business
GPA: 3.88
Prereqs: everything completed by spring 2019
In state, Monterey Bay Area
30+ hours of work experience/week
Accepted: San Jose state, CSU San Francisco, CSU sacramento, Sonoma state

Dying to hear back from cal poly!! Hopefully transfers will get notified soon

There is another thread for Cal Poly transfer students 2019 with much more discussion - I wonder if there’s a way to merge these two threads?

Haven’t heard anything yet. I know some Freshman who already heard back. Hate the waiting.

GPA: 2.97
Major: Marine Bio
Prereqs: Done
Local: Yep, Hancock College

Still waiting: Cal Poly, UCSC

Hey guys!
Here are my stats:

Major: Landscape Architecture
Current College: West Valley College
IGETC: No, because some of the program’s classes also count as GE classes. I will have everything I need completed by the end of Spring 2019 except for one GE class that I will take this summer.
Major requirements: Completed all 4 required courses and 3 desired courses, currently taking the last 2 desired courses.
GPA: 3.79
In-State, Out-of-State: In state
Credits after Spring 2019: 68

Someone on the other transfer thread just got accepted!! ? >

Hm. It appears that I was accepted…

I didn’t receive an email - it simply says “Congratulations, you have been selected for admission to Cal Poly pending your meeting the following Terms and Conditions” under my application status. I don’t, however, see an option to accept or decline this admission offer…I have no to do list. This is odd. Do they usually send a congratulatory email? The reveal was fairly underwhelming…almost wondering if it was a mistake.

Biology major

@kristinpete Same here haha. I got accepted as Biomedical Engineering major and completely unexpected. No to do list, no accept/decline and it’s just a simple “Congratulations”. Kinda freaking out between being accepted and thinking it was a mistake.

the email should come within a few hours to a couple of days, according to the freshman thread. I was accepted around 11am and have still not received an email

just got the email says I got a conditional admission to calpoly in Statistic for 2019 quarter"… don’t know what’s really going on though. Am i accepted or not?

@rigginthebox: All admissions are conditional so yes you are accepted. To maintain your acceptance, you must meet all the admission criteria and deadlines.

So does it mean that if one does not get acceptance notice today, it is most likely rejection? Psychology major here with a GPA 3.98.

@Rachel17 Psych major too and my other friend is psych major. Neither of us have heard anything yet. I’m hoping that it’s just that haven’t notified our major yet. ?

Psych major too

Accepted! Business Major