Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2020

Hi everyone! I know it is super early, but I wanted to start a thread for this year’s transfers!
Major: Business Admin.
GPA: 3.9 but going to be 3.83 after fall semester
AA-T/AS-T?: Yes, 3 associate’s degrees
Pre-reqs: One more, but will be completed in the spring
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No, Moorpark College
25+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week
Applied: Caly Poly SLO, SDSU, Long Beach, Fullerton, and Chico

Goodluck everyone!!!

Major: Business Admin, eventually want to concentrate in Marketing.
GPA: 3.35 Cumulative and 3.72 Major GPA
AS-T: Yes
IGETC: Completed this Spring, only three more classes
Local: Yes, Cuesta College
25+ work and community service hours per week as well
Alpha Gamma Sigma Member
Tutor for Human Biology and Economics
Applied: Cal Poly, UC Davis, UC Berkley (because ■■■ it why not), SDSU, Chico, San Jose State
Let me know your thoughts and good luck!

I think you’re gonna have a good chance of getting in since you’re local! I’m so jealous haha

Hey y’all,
does anyone know how Cal Poly calculates your GPA when transferring? Do they look at the GPA you earned in your major specific/prereq classes, or just an overall? Thanks

@owls10: Your GPA is calculated based on all CSU transferable courses.

Found out that I will actually have a 3.93 after this semester haha! Whoops

Major: Biomedical Engineering
GPA: 3.66
IGETC: finished
Major Prep: will finish by spring 2020
Applied to: UCSB, UCSD, UCI, Cal Poly SLO, Stony Brook - SUNY

Do you guys know if we are supposed to send in our transcripts to SLO now/son or do we only do that if we get accepted?


Hi guys! Late to the party, but just wanted to add my stats in. Good luck to everyone! I’m hoping to transfer into Nursing, but Cal Poly is my backup. I don’t have a required class, but I figured I could try anyways! 70% sure I’ll be rejected, but the stats are so random!!

Major: Public health
Local/in state: both yes (attended cuesta)
GPA: 3.24
Gen ed: complete
Golden 4’s: all A’s
Required: missing bio
Desired: missing intro to public health
Credits: 98
EC’s: independent sports (triathlete), few part time jobs, volunteer experience at hospital
AS/AA: received AS in Pre-Nursing and AA in Liberal Arts May 2019

I am surprised that not a lot of people are commenting on here. I have read past threads and they were so active

@buster2974 Maybe that’s a good sign that there were not a lot of people applied lol

I hope that’s the case?

MAJOR: Chemistry
GPA: 3.66, 3.74 once spring semester is over
Current College: Merced College
Pre-reqs: completed
Credits: 63 semester credits
Treasurer of Chem Club
Applied to: Cal Poly, UCM, UCLA, UCSB, UCD, and UCB.

Major : Business Administration, eventually planning to go into Finance
GPA: 3.95 at time of doing the Supp Application
Current College: Local CC in San Diego
Pre-Reqs : Done, all with A’s
Credit : 62 units
Golden Four : 4 A’s.
35 hours related to major (I own a small business)
Applied to: SDSU, Slo, Long Beach (Accepted) and San Marcos for the back up!

@vastfish251 Have you heard anything yet?

Major: Business Admin. Concentrate in Entrepreneurship & Management
GPA: 3.8
IGETC: Four more classes
College: Hartnell College
30+ of work a week (internship & general labor)
Applied: Cal Poly, USC, Baylor, Texas A&M, Northeastern, Univ. Utah, Univ. Washington, Cornell, Univ. Minnesota.

Curious… I don’t see anyone applying to privates or out of state on this thread and the year before. What’s stopping y’all from applying? Many privates are generous with grants and many out of state schools give transfer scholarships. Take my #1 choice USC for example, it’s cheaper to attend USC than a UC if your low income.

For me, I’m planning to go to a competitive and cheap Cal State school for Undergrad, then going to a target school for my MBA (Business Finance Major). Would like to save some money for Grad School instead of paying for an expensive undergrad.

does anyone know around what time we’ll hear back from SLO?

I think it is going to be Monday for the first wave of acceptances. I have looked at past years’ threads and that is the pattern.