Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I don’t think that most university employees in general get spring break off except faculty.

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Congratulations! Did he receive an email asking him to send his award notification in?

Is there a waitlist thread yet?

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I can’t find a source, but I remember reading somewhere that roughly 30% change majors.


Here you go.

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I switched twice in the 90’s too (ENVE → CPE → CSC) as I refined and discovered my interests. It wasn’t that difficult even though people said it would be. I keep hearing that it’s much harder to do now, but I’m curious how hard it really is.


Thank you. Bookmarking this so I can stalk it, too. Good to see that there aren’t any yet!


Right there with you.

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Switching within a College like Engineering is easier than switching between Colleges such Agriculture to Engineering.


We preempted that by sending his notification letter (which, blissfully, stated specifically that CalPoly SLO was his first choice; a shout out to our past selves for having set his first choice in the NMSC portal way back when) to the admissions office as soon as we got it in February. We had been told when we visited campus in October (and confirmed via email in November) that they would accept that submission even though it’s not specifically listed among the updates they will accept for applications. I am reasonably certain that, absent his NMF status, he would not have been accepted.
So, no, we did not get an email, but I assume that’s because they already knew. I heard from another NMF parent from a previous year that the typical progression is acceptance and then a request for NMF confirmation.


Follow up for those who might have similar questions:
I got a wonderful and comprehensive response from the academic advising department to my questions. Yes, students are eligible to do a double major across 2 colleges; it’s just a matter of approaching the department from which they are seeking the second major. Minors can be added, but they have to be completed concurrently with the major (ie, you can’t finish your major and then stick around to take extra courses for your minor[s]). Concentrations can only be awarded if you are part of the associated major, but you can still take any courses in which you are interested, provided that you have taken any prerequisites and allowing for the fact that students in that major will have registration priority. In our case, my son will be a physics major but is likely to either minor or double major in architecture. He also has a huge interest in food/cooking, but will not be able to get the concentration in culinary science unless he declares a double major in Food Science. He can, however, apparently go ahead and take those same culinary courses for general interest; they just won’t show up in any official capacity.
I was very pleased with how responsive the school was to these questions. As of tonight, he’s leaning CalPoly regardless of what happens with the UCs. Yaaaaay!


I had a Zoom meeting today with the SLO VA office. Got the awesome news that the 23 months DH and I have between us to share with our kids will actually stretch to cover almost an entire 3 years of quarters. That was great to hear. She also validated my plan for how to cover both kids for college and with which sources.

I hadn’t realized that my son is eligible for work-study as long as he’s being paid with the GI Bill that quarter. Good to know. Unfortunately, all of the GI Bill will be going to DS22, so DD24 won’t have that same option when she gets to college. The Cal Vet waiver doesn’t come with the same work-study option and that’s what we’re going to use for her.


Is NMF scholarship the one on the portal with the description Cal Poly Merit Scholar award ? DS got one for 3k. I am trying to figure if this is a one time award, or renewable ?

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We still have not heard anything? Have any rejections gone out? She applied for Psych but i see other psych majors were admitted already…

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Great news for you! Thank you for your service!


No rejections or Waitlist decisions as of yet.


My son was accepted to ITP last Thursday

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I was told renewable.

Yeah! Spanish horchata is definitely a seasonal beverage. And Spanish horchata is made out of tiger nuts, not rice like the Mexican version.


@momsons2 - Yes, I believe that is the same, and it should be renewable. In the PDF version of letter we received (downloadable), note 789 says:

789: Congratulations! You have been awarded the Cal Poly Merit Scholar award. This award recognizes National Merit, National Achievement and National Hispanic finalists admitted to Cal Poly. This award is renewable for three additional years of undergraduate coursework based on full time attendance and maintaining a 2.0 or better Cal Poly GPA.