Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Any word if transfers are today?

Nothing for mine either.

Keep in mind, however, that if the major is full, the request to change majors can be denied. Our close friend, a current sophomore, tried to change from Math to Stats, and the request was denied due to lack of space. With so many majors being impacted, itā€™s definitely a risky proposition even within the same college.
My Junior daughter, on the other hand, changed her major after her first quarter from Nutrition to Experience Industries Management (both in CAFES) and had no problem.


Thank you! Son never received any email about the portal update regarding this award. He was just looking at Financial aid when he saw the award in his portal.

I donā€™t know if we got an email or not, but you can access the letter here

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oh great, thank you! Iā€™ll ask him to check.

Thank you so much for asking the questions and sharing back their (very quick!) responses! Was this the physics advising dept? That is so helpful to read, along with the info from @Gumbymom and other parents regarding their experiences.

Thatā€™s a great point and Iā€™ve reminded my D she can pursue other interests (especially less lucrative ones! :wink: ) as hobbies/extracurriculars too.

Really appreciate the discussion regarding the ability (or not) to switch majors, double major, study across colleges, etc. We realize itā€™s risky with impacted majors but glad these are possible routes for our kids.

Thanks everyone for all the info and good luck to those waiting to hear! :crossed_fingers:

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@chrisntine - I emailed the general advising department, not the physics department directly (


I totally agree. My son is at a performing arts school where he typically is a school until 9pm most nights and rehearsals or performances on weekends so not a lot of time outside of that to add on much else. He knew even with his grades and scores MIT was a long shot.

Wow, even more impressive that they responded so quickly! That is definitely a great sign. Thanks again!

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It seems that rather than encouraging students to be on campus for what usually amounted to just 1 in-person class a week, they should have combined these classes into a few larger classes that met every other week. That way, the students could get the hands-on experience without paying for housing and daily parking. For example, CCP scheduled just 6 separate classes over the semester, so that my D just had to travel to class for just 6 days over the entire semester without having to pay for the dorms and daily parking and being exposed to other students on a daily basis that may have had Covid.

How is she liking her new major?

@sparky141982 @momsons2 Did you also put CalPoly SLO as your first choice? Is that how SLO knew to put the award into your portal?

No, my daughter did not select a first choice. Cal Poly must have been tracking NMS finalists.

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They must because they only send the email requesting that you upload your letter to those that are NMF.

I am not a NMF, but I am a National Recognition Scholar, and I got an email from Cal Poly asking for my letter/certificate, and after that, I had a $3k scholarship added to my financial aid portal. They are definitely tracking!


No he didnā€™t put Cal Poly as his first choice, and he didnā€™t get any email to upload his NMF letter too. The award was just there in his portal.

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I did not read everything on this thread about NMF, so please pardon this naive question: Was being a NMF considered in CPā€™s overall admission criteria ? If so, it would be unfair for kids whose PSAT got cancelled (my daughter is one of them). It does not make sense not to consider SAT but consider PSAT (NMF = PSAT + school recom). My son was a NMF a few years back, but we never thought it was a factor. Thanks

I have never heard of it being considered for admission.

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Several people posted on Twitter that they got an acceptance notification today.