Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I was accepted for Biomedical Engineering!
In State
10 years of science, 6 years of math, and 8 years of foreign language
3.9 uw/4.5 w



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Wait, freshman admissions are rolling already?

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yes, the are available for some in the portal

Oh ok, nice !

Wouldn’t that just dilute course rigor even more than the CSU GPA does? Find it strange that CalPoly would dilute rigor even more than a lower tier CSU.


Anyone accepted for Communications yet?

Yes, it does dilute the CSU GPA but they will still consider HS course rigor by looking at the courses listed on the CSU application.

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Anyone know if the decisions are rolling out based on last name? If so, we’ll be waiting awhile - we are “Z”!

Did anyone get accepted to Biochemistry?

No email. Just portal.

accepted oos industrial engineering


Our last name is A so maybe?!


Any graphic communications? My D is at work so we will wait until she gets home. I’ve only heard of admits. Is it true the Denied and WL are not today?

Daughter just got into the Music Program! In state.


what does your last name start with? wondering if they are going alphabetical…:wink:

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Is it waitlist or denied for those with pending review status?

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I am also waiting for Biochemistry. No update yet

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I told my daughter to check the portal and no decision has been made. She left for work mad at me. Do acceptances roll out in waves or is our best hope to be waitlisted?

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My last name starts with A!

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