Cal Poly SLO Freshman Stats Only Class of 2026

Oh ok. Thank you very much for explanation, I was very confused at first to make sense of it but now all clear, thanks a lot!!!

My senior ‘22 son got into CS as well,
I have a question in regards to my current junior interested in data science-can you please share more about research with google? That sounds really interesting and am looking for something similar for my junior.

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Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Forest and Fire Sciences
SLO GPA: 4.18
In-state/OOS/International: in state
Local/Non-local: non local
HS course rigor: 8 honors/AP
EC’s and major related job: strong. Dual sport athlete, work experience, lots of ECs

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Congratulations! Is this a new acceptance, or was it part of the 3/10 batch of acceptances and just being reported now?

S admitted 3/10
Gpa 4.0 uw / 4.2 slo / 4.76 UC (roger hub estimate)
4 aps, 10 de
5+ math
4.5 English
4 foreign language
1 vapa

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

D waitlisted

4.0 uw 4.36 capped 4.7 w
5 years math
4 years Spanish
5 years lab science
4 years English
9 AP 11 Honors

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DD 22 Accepted on 3/18
Software Engineering (also wants to
Minor in dance)
OOS Texas
SLO GPA 4.25
UC GPA 4.34

AP Comp Sci A, Honors Advanced Comp Sci Topics (AP CSA and dept approval was pre-req for this class), Artificial Intelligence, Digital Graphics/Animation, Engineering, AP Calc AB/BC, AP Stats, Honors Physics, Honors Bio, Honors Chem (can’t take any AP science classes until you complete these 3 courses), AP Physics, Honors English, AP Lit, Honors World (AP World not offered but can take AP exam), APush, AP Econ/Gov, honors French

8 honors courses

7 APs (can only take AP CSA your soph year with math dept approval and then you can take the rest of APs during your junior and senior year so harder to get a really high weighted GPA. All students must apply to each honors/AP course and get dept approval to take courses at rigorous all girls school)

7 years science
6 years math
4 years English
3 years french
1.5 years fine arts
4 years mandatory religion (which also dilutes your W GPA)

Needed 28 credits to graduate but will graduate with 31 since DD took summer school classes to make more room for STEM classes

-Dancer-takes 20-25+ hours classes/rehearsals per week during high school. Has taken dance since age 3 (15 years) and danced competitively since 5th grade. Unfortunately, could not receive the extra FA bonus points since dance program is not part of school curriculum
-National Charity League (7-12th)-over 200 philanthropy hours with leadership positions.
-Mandatory 20 hours of service hours for school
-Computer Science Club
-Engineering Club w/leadership
-French honors society w/leadership
-Science Honors society
-Mu Alpha Theta math honor society

  • American Math Competition/Texas Math League monthly competition
    -Literary magazine staff
    -Senior service project for school - volunteer 2 hours per week at Title I school mentoring middle school students in the classroom in STEM classes

-Summer Programs - Kode with Klossy scholar (last summer and will participate again this summer) and Perry Initiative. Was also accepted into a college summer program that was canceled two summers in a row due to Covid.

Summer job - worked at Code Ninjas last summer and will be there again this summer
so bonus points for work experience major related

Accepted to: Cal Poly, CU Boulder direct admit into engineering majoring in CS with Chancellor’s merit scholarship, Texas A&M engineering

Rejected: UCLA

Waiting on UCSB

Summary: Cal Poly has been her top choice (even over the UCs) and would have gone to Boulder if she did not get into Cal Poly since it was direct admit into CS and better engineering support/advising than UCs and A&M.

So excited DD will be part of the Cal Poly family!!!


I know ECs and volunteering are not considered for admissions to Cal Poly but wanted to include to help give more insight into DDs gpa with context in how involved she was with her ECs, rigor of coursework, why her GPA isn’t as high as others bc the of the competitiveness and timing of getting into honors/APs at her school. With all things considered and amount of time she had during the day to commit to schoolwork and studying I think she did a pretty good job balancing everything.


D waitlisted

Admission Decision: Waitlisted
Intended major: Kinesiology
Wtd GPA: 4.41; wtd,capped GPA: 4.24; unwtd GPA: 3.98
In-state/OOS/International: in state
Local/Non-local: non local
HS course rigor: 8 honors/AP
EC’s and major related job: Two sport athlete, work, lots of community service

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

D22 accepted to Psychology on 3/10.
Not sure about Cal Poly GPA.
UC GPA: 3.8, weighted capped 4.07, uncapped 4.36
Good ECs

Anybody know what is the reason for the delay in rejecting the remaining applications? Are they waiting to see who enrolls and manage the yield till the end of the month?

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Our S Just got accepted tonight. Crazy. Wasn’t even waitlisted - his portal has been silent this whole time, while his schoolmates all got admitted on the 10th. Apparently acceptances are still trickling out!
4.1 CP gpa
poly Sci


Thank you and congrats to him! It is good to know some out of state students are still being accepted.
I agree this notification system is unbelievable.

Admission Decision: Waitlisted 3/29
Intended major: CS
GPA: 4.0/4.32 SLO GPA
In-state/OOS/International: OOS
Local/Non-local: non local
HS course rigor: IB Diploma Candidate; 4 years foreign language, 5 years math, 4 years lab science. FWIW
HS has program where students who are on honors accelerated track since elementary or middle school are able to do IB Diploma program a year early (completed by junior year) so they are able to take additional AP and IB courses to add to overall course rigor senior year. Only students accepted for SLO CS so far from this HS were students who did the accelerated IB program. Course rigor matters.
EC’s and major related job: 16 to 20 hours/week ECs (with leadership) and community service.