**Cal Poly SLO STATS ONLY Freshman Class of 2025**

Admission Decision: Accepted
Major: Ethnic Studies
CSU GPA: 3.9?
SAT/ACT (not used) 95th percentile
HS course rigor: 2 APs, Community College
EC: paid work, volunteer related to major, varsity sports, club leadership

Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Computer science
SLO GPA: unweighted 4.0; weighted 4.03. CSU application calculated 4.26
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: non-local
HS course rigor: 5 Dual enrollment. Completed Computer Science and Digital Media Pathways. HS does not offer AP or honors courses.
EC’s and major related job: varsity baseball, computer camps, community service, CS paid internship

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Congrats. When were you accepted?

Thank you :slight_smile: Son accepted 2/24 CS major; daughter still pending, psychology major.


DS received Cal Poly Scholars Award 2/28


Admission Decision: Accepted

Intended major: Business Administration & Information Systems

SLO GPA: I believe 4.15?

In-state/OOS/International: OOS (CT)

Local/Non-local: Non-local

HS course rigor: Mostly all honors freshman and sophomore year (minus Spanish sophomore year and English freshman and sophomore year. Moved up to honors English junior year and had all honors and 2 APs. Not all were Cali honors

ECs: Captain of 3 sports my junior and senior year. I think >400 hours of community service. Worked a tech job and another job,

My daughter is also still waiting as a Psychology major!

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Admission Decision: Son Received notification of acceptance Feb 23, haven’t yet accepted, still reviewing items
Intended major: Mechanical Engineering
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) 4.18; high school gpa 4.42
HS course rigor: Many AP classes, many dual enrollment classes, summer college classes, many honors classes; earned bilingual certificate
EC’s: captain of water polo team, and various accolades; varsity tennis 4 years, coaches award; academic letters; nominated for Boys State, academic clubs: treasurer, volunteer hours record keeper; volunteer with coaching & tutoring youth and church; co editor of yearbook and no major related job

Admission Decision: Waitlisted
Intended major: Biological Sciences
SLO GPA: no idea
HS GPA: 4.35
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Not local
HS course rigor: 5 APs, 1 college course, many honors classes; BioMed pathway in HS - all weighted
EC’s: youth theater, job, volunteer work

Admission Decision: Waitlisted
Major: Liberal Studies
Slo GPa: no clue
Weighted GPA: 4.357
Unweighted GPA: 3.894
not local
HS rigor: 5 AP, 4 community college courses related to major, lots of honor classes
EC: XC and track 4 years. team captain for both, job, free tutoring, link crew

Decision: Waitlisted
Major: Marine Science
SLO GPA: 4.08
In-state, not local
Rigor: 6 AP, 4 years of language, 5 years of math
EC: Lots of volunteering, part-time job, 4 years of band with leadership roles. Most of the ECs were major-related.

Decision: Waitlisted
Major: General Engineering
SLO GPA: 3.64
In-state, not local
Rigor: 5 AP’s by end of senior year
ECs: Volunteering, instruments, and other major related stuff.

Waitlisted mechanical engineering OOS


SLO GPA capped at 4.2
Unweighted 3.95
Weighted 4.12

Honors 14 semesters
6 APs
Multiple ECs. Internships. And volunteering
Varsity sports 3 years
Club sports

Decision: Waitlisted
Major: Economics

Weighted GPA: 4.0

3 Honors coures
7 AP, courses
2 APS score: 5’s
EC’s mainly sports Freshman, Sophomore and some Jr. Year

OOS Male
Admission Decision: Waitlisted
Intended major: Mechanical Engineering
SLO GPA: 4.2 / unweighted: 3.9 / weighted 4.1
HS course rigor: 10 IB classes, honors math classes prior to IB classes
ECs: robotics, non-school related sports, seasonal employment

Admission Decision: DS Accepted on 2/23
Intended major: Aerospace Engineering
SLO GPA: no idea
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Not local
SAT 1450
HS course rigor: 10 APs, honors classes, PLTW Eng pathway in HS
Many EC’s: Key Club, NHS, physics n robotics, paid peer tutoring with leadership
National Merit Commended Student, CBRP Honoree, AP Scholar with Honors

Admission Decision: Waitlisted
Intended major: City and Regional Planning
SLO GPA: no idea
HS GPA: 3.91
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
Not local
HS course rigor: 7 APs, 2 honors classes; two 5’s, one 4 on AP tests
EC’s: hs sport, club sport, 12 years of Girl scouts

Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Economics
SLO GPA: ~4.33 (Don’t remember exactly)
HS GPA: 4.56
Unweighted GPA: 3.94
Not local
No SAT or ACT: 33 composite
HS course rigor: 8 APs, 3 honors classes; 1 5, three 4s on AP tests 4 during senior year
EC’s: High school rugby (National champion), 300+ Volunteer hours, VP of big club at school, Freshman mentor, Raised $55k for non-profit organization

Will not attend though, got into dream school in Boston. Hope all the best to everyone on the waitlist!

Son waitlisted.
Major: Industrial engineering
In state, out of area,

Admission Decision: Waitlisted
Intended major: Marine Sciences
SLO GPA: no idea
HS GPA: 4.25
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
out of state
SAT 1380
HS course rigor: 10 APs, 4 college courses, many honors classes
EC’s: National Honor Society, Beta Club, athlete-2 varsity sports, club sports, volunteer work.