**Cal Poly SLO STATS ONLY Freshman Class of 2025**

Admission Decision: Waitlisted 3/4/21
Intended major: Psychology
SLO GPA: CSU GPA 4.27 unweighted 4.0; weighted 4.05
In-state/OOS/International: in-state
Local/Non-local: non-local
HS course rigor: AP/honors courses not offered. 6 Dual Enrollment classes, completed digital media pathway
EC’s and major related job: Many years of leadership, ECs and community service including:
3 years ASB, year long paid internship, 2 years Student Advisory Council with school district, 60+ hours community service, President Policy Debate Team, Green Focus, DA Youth Academy, etc
Too bad we couldn’t include these on her application :frowning:

Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Computer Science
SLO GPA: not sure but prob between 4.18-4.22
HS GPA: 4.39
Unweighted GPA: 3.93
in state
ACT 35
HS course rigor: 9 APs (including both AP Physics C, Calc AB + BC), 5 honors, 2 dual enrollment courses
EC’s: 2 sport athlete, founded educational program, founded club, member of entrepreneurship club, spanish honor society, national honor society, decent volunteering, various summer programs - Note: ECs were more tailored to business than CS

Son Admitted- Business
4.3 Weighted GPA 3.95 Unweighted.
Instate. Not local.
Heavy Science and Math Rigor - Missing 5th yr english
Heavy Sports and volunteer hours with Leadership
Some Work hours

Rejected. I think. March 8 and I have not heard a peep, not even waitlisted.
Major: CS
GPA: School 4.3, Cal State 4.2, SLO 4.10 (rough Freshman). 2nd Semester Jr yr Pass / no Pass
Tons of AP 5’s and 4’s. Calculus, Physic, English and Chem
Varsity sports. Captain.
EC: Math and Chem Tutor, life guard
Language: Phyton, C++, JavaScript, C#
No test scores: 7 cancellations for SAT and 4 cancellations for ACT.

waitlisted (today)

3.74 SLO gpa, 3.85 CSU GPA
In-State (non-local)
major: business adminstration
7 AP Classes
11-15 ECs
11-15 work hours

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waitlisted (today)
business admin
4.03 CSU GPA
in-state (not local)

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Waitlisted (today)

4.03? SLO gpa, 4.11 CSU GPA
In-State (non-local)
major: Software engineering

D21 Waitlisted (today 03/11)

Major: Computer Science
CSU GPA 3.89
SLO GPA - ? don’t know
In-State (Nor Cal)
10 AP Classes, 1 weighted honors
4 dual enrollment Computer Science/programming classes
Varsity Tennis
3 Computer Science related ECs
Bunch of other ECs involving community service and leadership

D21 (3/11)

Admission Decision: Waitlisted
Intended major: Biochemistry
SLO GPA: 3.91
In-state/OOS/International: In-State
Local/Non-local: Non-Local
HS course rigor: 34 semester units of AP and Honors, mostly 5s and 4s, school rank 38th/550
EC’s and major related job: 4 years Cross Country, 3 Years Lacrosse, 1 Year Track, 400 volunteer hours with leadership and 2 years part time employment (not major related)

In state
Major Biology
Unweighted GPA 3.74
3 APs 5 College courses
Work experience

Decision: Waitlisted (today 03/11)
Major: Public Health
CSU GPA: 3.46
SLO GPA: I don’t know
In-State: Bay Area
Changed schools twice and had a rough freshman year and incredibly rough sophomore year
Schools did not offer honors, AP, or any other high level courses.
Lots of weird classes that make my credits extra weird
Honestly I’m shocked that I even got waitlisted!


Decision: Waitlisted (3/11)
Major: CS
SLO GPA: 4.0, CSU GPA: 4.22 ← Both are weighted GPAs
3 APs, 2 honors between 9th and 11th
Work experience tutoring Python

Waitlisted (yesterday 3/11)
In-state (SoCal)
3.98 UW. 4.29 W (CSU calculation)
9 APs, and dual enrollment at community college
Already admitted at University of Michigan, University of Washington, University of Miami, and SDSU

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Per the above, this thread is stats only. Non-stats post should be placed on the thread linked above. Posts on this thread that do not comply are subject to deletion without notice. Thank you for your understanding.

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Accepted in state
Major: Business
CSU GPA: 4.21
HS GPA: 4.38
Top 5% of class
ap world (3)
ap calc (5)
ap lang (4)
ap bio(5)
ap spanish (4)

Admission Decision: Accepted :)))
Intended major: Animal Science
SLO GPA: 4.05 (I think)
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-local (OC)
HS course rigor: 5 honors, 7 APs
EC’s and major related job: community service; volleyball; horse riding; summer college at Cornell; 3rd degree in Taekwondo; NHS & CSF member; part-time job.

good luck to everyone who applied!!


Admissions Decision: Accepted (2/23)
Intended Major: Nutrition
SLO GPA: ~3.9w
Non-Local (Nor Cal)
HS Course Rigor: 7 IB classes, 1 AP class, Completed 2 DE classes by application deadline, reported 3 more in-progress classes
EC: 2 years Varsity sport, 4 years Varsity sport (MVP in 10th grade), independent artistic hobby, 3 different jobs over 4 years of HS → 1 job was major related

Admissions Decision: Rejected 3/19/21
Intended Major: Biomed Engineering
SLO GPA: 4.29
Non-Local (Los Angeles)
HS Course Rigor: 8 APs
EC: 2 years Varsity sport, 2 years summer job, 250+ volunteer hours, other strong ECs
Misc: accepted to UCI (Biomed Engineering), UCSB (Bio), UCSD, UC Davis, UCSC, UC Riverside, Santa Clara, UW, and SDSU (i.e. all schools applied to); waitlisted to UCLA; Berkeley not announced yet
SAT: obviously not considered, but he received 1500 the first time he took it (minimal prep). He earned 780 in math on his initial SAT and felt he could improve substantially on the reading, writing & language portion. so he fully prepped for the next SAT in March 2020 but it was canceled (repeatedly).

He’s thrilled with his UC choices so the SLO rejection isn’t a concern, but I’m adding the stats in case it helps someone next year (if they get rejected from SLO or don’t receive a decision for several weeks after the initial SLO acceptances are announced, all is not lost!).

Best of luck to everyone with their decisions and next steps in life.

Edited to add: admitted to Berkeley.

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Will you be going? My daughter got in for AS too!

I’m not sure yet, I’m still looking into my options! Congrats to your daughter and she can dm me @mayamvijay