Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I already have a career, so I’m going back to school mostly just to finish. I’m the only one left out of all my siblings and cousins who haven’t finished, and it’s always been a source of embarrassment for me. Getting my degree would also help me with promotions at work. I would also like to teach philosophy one day part time at my local community college or something.

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congrats on slo I wish I could’ve gotten there :frowning: sdsu go Aztecs!

That’s nice, but don’t feel embarrassed! Doesn’t matter. I just have my AS-T, AA-T, and 3 meme AAs and I make way more than the average UC graduate. Hell, I make more than the median Cal Poly grad for my intended major. Degrees don’t equal success and I’m sure you’re gonna do great wherever you go. What do you do for work, if you don’t mind?

I work full-time in a consumer technology laboratory but I intend on leaving when I go to uni for the fall. I think I’ve gotten what I needed from here anyways. Being here was a great step for me. We’re the leader in our field so basically all of my coworkers who move on from here end up moving onto FAANG. Hell, one of my coworkers just got hired at Apple.

I’m about middle of the pack on my end in terms of income relative to my family, which I can’t complain considering I don’t have a degree, not even AA. I also found out last month that my supervisor is retiring and they want me to apply for the job. I think she makes around the 85k range; I make about 20k less than that as a staff service analyst for the state of California. I’ve already told them probably not because I’d rather just use my extra time for school instead of taking on new work and the stress of a leadership role. Financially, I’m pretty content, even though I live in the heart of the San Francisco Bay areas unforgiving economy . A degree would be mostly self-gratification, and to actually study something I’m passionate about. I think that’s the advantage non-traditional students like us have, we can be less utilitarianian with what we want to study, assuming you already have a steady source of income.

Brings me to my biggest problem now: assuming I get rejected by Berkeley and davis, which is a high possibility, how am I gonna go to school 200 miles away and have no intentions of leaving my job? So far, it sounds like cal poly will have optional virtual learning for people who don’t want to go in-person. That would help a lot. Also, my work has been work-at-home for over a year now, but newsom released statement that state offices will fully open June 15. If that’s the case, and poly goes 100 percent in person, I might have to take unpaid leave for some time.

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Hey all, I’ve been a long-time lurker of this forum and I just want to share my story.

I applied to transfer for Fall 2021, but sadly I got rejected. However, I appealed and I got accepted as of yesterday. It’s been one hell of a ride this application season! Let me know if you guys have any questions. Anyway, here are my stats:

Major: General Engineering
GPA: 3.79
AS-T: No
Pre-reqs: None remaining after applying in November
Golden Four: A, A, A, last one in progress
Local: No
25% of work related to major: No
6-10 hours of extracurricular activities
Leadership positions: No



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What reasons did you list in your appeal?

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Congratulations!!! I have two questions, if you don’t mind answering :slight_smile:
#1-When did you submit your appeal?
#2- How did they let you know that you’d been accepted?
I appealed on April 1st and have yet to hear anything (not too worried about it). Thanks in advance for answering!

My appeal was pretty long lol.

But my essential argument was that I come from a diverse background; I explained how I initially transferred from CC to UC Santa Barbara as a Sociology major, and realized that I did not want to study in the humanities field any longer. Then, I emphasized how I maintained a solid GPA even after switching to engineering. But I think the significant part for me was that I explained how even though I did not have major related work, I did have major related personal projects. In particular, I stated that I build computers and work on cars, so I guess that helped out in my favor. Finally, I topped it off with the typical spiel of how CPSLO would provide the best opportunity for my education.


Hi, thank you! It means a lot to me!

To answer your questions:

  1. I submitted it as soon as I got my rejection, so basically the same day as you: April 1st.

  2. The first notification I got was in my e-mail, and it was a “Financial Award Letter”. I was puzzled at first when I saw that, then I checked my portal and it said I had been accepted. It’s odd though because on their website, it says we will be notified by a physical letter in the mail. But it’s fine, I couldn’t handle the anticipation anyway. But yeah check your portal every now and then, if you’re accepted the portal will update.


Excellent job :love_you_gesture: Welcome to the Cal Poly Family!

In case you didn’t get it… Here is the Congratulations video.


Congratulations to you, that’s great.


Hi friends, did any fellow rejects get an email from cal poly saying that based of your application they are referring you to check out Humboldt State and they have a form to connect to their admissions office? lol thought that was random but it was nice

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I am fairly certain this is “campus redirection” and is typically only given to a CSU applicant who is CSU-eligible but has not been accepted to any CSU that they applied to.

Oh wow never heard of that. I did get into csulb so idk if it’s the same buts it’s nice of them either way. Not gonna do anything though but just wanted to ask lol

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That’s interesting then. Then this wouldn’t be redirection, cuz you got accepted to Long Beach. Maybe just SLO being nice to you. This thread has been sad without you! Welcome back :3


Here is article re: a study underway to convert Humbolt to a 3rd polytechnic: Should California get another science-focused university? | EdSource


Computer Engineering GPA 3.94, I heard back from Cal Poly appeal on 4/4. The date on the envelope is 4/15, I got rejected.


I read that before too! I think it’s kind of a ridiculous idea. If any CSU deserves to be a polytechnic, it’s SJSU. They just want to make Humboldt attractive and save their enrollment with a new name and new programs, instead of actually furthering advancing technology students in a campus that already has the resources to push this kind of success in SJSU.

Hi everyone. Just heard back from my appeal and was rejected. Nutrition major. I have been in community college for 5 years and I am local, so this is very devastating news.
I am not sure what to do, I do not have the means to move elsewhere. I really wish they told us why we were rejected in the fist place. I have everything they asked for complete so I’m not sure what to do in the meantime before I apply again next year…