National recognition scholar

Does Cal Poly give an admissions bump for college board national recognition scholar? It asks if the student has received this award on the application. It does look like they give a $3,000 scholarship for this.

No additional admissions bump but yes they are eligible for an additional scholarship money.

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The scholarship money is a nice perk! I don’t remember seeing this question on the application before.

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The question may have been added to the CSU application a few years ago when they redesigned the application and website. The Scholar program was started in 2012 but until recently (last 2 years), I had not heard about the additional scholarship money available and the program has targeted low income students. SLO has been criticized for years in regards to diversity and neglect of financial aid programs for this demographic so it is a positive.

Since SLO no longer spells out the actual MCA (Multi-Criteria Admission Process) it is difficult to say the impact.

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It was not asked in the 2020-21 application.


@socalmom007 Is this scholarship listed on the Cal Poly SLO website? I’m curious whether National Merit Commended would qualify as well.

@ChicagoNSParent Were you able to confirm with admissions that College Board National Recognition applies per @martinezcs suggestion in your post "Nationally Recognized Scholar"??

Based on my experience in 2020-21, it is not. For my student, soon after they were accepted, they received an email from SLO asking them to submit confirmation of their National Merit Finalist award. Within a week, the scholarship was posted to their portal.

I don’t know if the scholarship is listed on their website. There was a link shared in the national recognition program Hispanic scholar thread that listed schools that give money for that award. Cal Poly was listed as giving 3k.

That’s great news for your kiddo!

Yes, providing he gets into Cal Poly and it’s the final choice, the 3k would be appreciated!

@socalmom007 @lkg4answers My S24 is going through the CSU application and don’t see a prompt for national awards. Was this in supplemental section or EOP section?

I don’t recall if there was a place to put the national recognition scholar award on the cal state application. I’m thinking there’s not. If your student is accepted to CP slo, they do give a $3,000 scholarship for the recognition scholar. I think you would just submit that award info after the fact.


Yep. There is no place for awards. They have the list and either reach out to the student for verification after they are accepted or just add it to the student’s financial aid.

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Have you checked under Program Materials section under SLO specifically? It is not listed on the general instructions for CSU Apply.

My National Merit student was admitted in 2020. At that time, a few days after acceptances rolled out, they sent an email to my student saying that, if she was a NMF, she should forward her email to a certain person so that she could receive a scholarship. Last year someone said that their student was awarded the scholarship without having to send proof.


Yes, we checked in the Cal Poly SLO Program Materials and it wasn’t there.

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