Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Omg congrats!!! I’m so proud of you! I think if you talk to admissions about your family emergency, they can probably work something out with you!

They told everyone that, but I don’t know I should believe them :joy:

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This is a standard answer to students.


Thank you so much. Good luck to you!! Here’s hoping for that next wave :crossed_fingers:t2:

I am praying they can work it out with me but I totally understand if not. Life happens maybe I can reapply after completing the missing classes. I’ll let y’all know if this thread is still going and I find out


This might be a dumb question…where do I “accept” the offer? I clicked the accept button/link on the email and it went to cal poly portal. Is that it? Or is there something else on the portal that I need to click?

I wish my button worked 2, I was trying to enroll the second I got admitted haha we have to wait a day


The “Accept” button is not activated yet. That’s why the email brings you to the portal but doesn’t materialize.

Most likely tomorrow, the “Accept” button will appear in your portal right next to the “Congratulations” message.

PS… what is the exact time that your email says?

What exact time does your email say?
What were those missing pre-reqs that are in-progress?

Ah okay, thanks! My email says 7:51PM, I was at work so I’m not sure if portal got updated during the afternoon

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What are your stats?

and my email says 7:50 pm

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Major: Biological Sciences
GPA: 3.6
From: SoCal


I hated Microeconomics. :joy:
But I like Macroeconomics… the global big picture.

Do you know what your concentration is going to be?
Information Systems?

information systems

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I hope I get Cal Poly Scholars

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Once you do, you’re set. Cal Poly Scholars picks up the remaining charges that Financial Aid doesn’t cover to give you Full tuition. You get SLO Days & WOW fees paid for. You get a ton of Cal Poly merchandise sent to your home without ever asking, t-shirts, lanyards, pendents, earbuds. You get $900 to go towards a new laptop at the University bookstore. You put up the difference & get whatever computer you want. You never have to re-apply once awarded. It’s automatically renewed every year until you graduate. You get your own dedicated Academic Adviser for Cal Poly Scholars.


wow, i think I qualify for it i have an efc of 0 and my gpa is 4.00 I think that makes me an incredibly strong candidate for it. that along with this new college based fee should be real nice as a low income student


I haven’t heard from any Political Science majors that they have heard back yet. Hoping they drop soon…any chance y’all think they’ll drop more tonight?

Nobody would know if a 2nd wave is coming or not. There’s always a chance. In 2020, the 2nd wave came at 10:11PM and it’s only 9:30 PM now

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How do we view financial aid? Or is it not uploaded for a few more days?