Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

haven’t heard anything back yet either

Are you a political science ADT?

yes I am


Since cal poly has received a record amount of transfer applications, do you guys think they will receive a second wave of acceptances? And do you know or estimate when that will be?

If I am not mistaken CPSLO received record amount of freshman applications not transfer, since even in the article it says that it was less than last year for transfers, about 9,000 this year vs 10,000 last year…


Are there any financial aid awards that cal poly gives to people just based on merit?

This is just incredibly stressful

The transfer applications went down this year by almost 2,000.
Last year, it was 10,905 & this year was 9,005.

But nobody knows if there will be a 2nd wave or not. Cal Poly is so unpredictable.

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In my honest opinion I don’t think that less transfers applicants means that SLO will make room for more transfers to be accepted, I am sure they will just squeeze more freshman instead into that “gap”, just because they immensely prefer freshman vs transfers…


The accept button was a bit underwhelming lol, Im like " I did click it, right??"


4 - 5 yrs of tuition vs. 2 - 3 yrs. Makes sense.

Feels like no news is not necessarily good news for my daughter. I’m reading the stats of some really smart and motivated transfers, so I cannot be too disappointed. Right now, UCD (where she got the TAG) was “1A and CalPoly 1B” so if she didn’t get in then I suppose it just makes the decision easier for her.

Major: Env Sci
GPA: 3.4
ADT: Yes
Golden Four: A, A, A, B
Prereqs: Complete
Local: No, we moved between frosh and soph year so ultimately she will have taken classes at FOUR different CCCs, which was a feat unto itself!
Work and extracurricular, including teaching chem and math to middle schoolers all summer. Involved in various clubs, volunteer groups, etc.
No vet status.

I don’t really have the heart to tell her that I don’t think it’s happening. She doesn’t really look at this board, which is probably just as well. I just know that she’s not gotten any decision as of an hour ago and after reading the stats of many of the accepted transfers she probably fell just short. She got one “C” which was in Organic Chem w/a notoriously demanding prof. That might have been the difference, but who knows?

Anyway, cannot feel too sad about it as she still has some really great school options and we’re still waiting on SDSU, UCSB, UCSC and UCD (gotten the TAG but awaiting the “official” word).

Congrats to all. My nephew was a transfer into CP. Originally went to Cornell, hated it. Transferred to CP and loved it. Went onto U of FL for Vet School and has his first job as a doctor already lined up.


I might be missing something. Don’t you think it doesn’t matter between 4 years of tuiition vs. 2 years tuition since Cal Poly gets an endless supply of tuition as 1 class graduates & another class enters?

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Yeah, I suppose at CP- where there’s really no issue to fill the ranks it might not matter. Just trying to come up w/some rationale as to why the school might look to favor Frosh vs. Transfer as the poster alluded to.

Regardless, it’s become incredibly difficult to get in no matter what route you take.

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Still waiting for Cal Poly. Had my TAG approved at UCD (Statistics Major). My stats:
Applied for Statistics at Cal Poly (one of my folks got in but I didn’t)
4.0 GPA
IGETC (1 last one in progress then completed)
Major reqs and desire courses (1 last one in progress then completed)
Currently accumulated 99 quarter units.
21+ EC hours
Don’t work.
Non-local but in-state. Located in North California (3 hours drive from SLO)
No leader position.
And I am dissapointed lol, but lost hope. Just expecting UCSD now.

just accepted, I can’t believe this is real… I’m going to my dream school :sob:


Did your portal just tell you?
Or did you just get around to checking it now?

Sorry, I realized I worded this weird. I found out I got accepted yesterday around 4pm. I just submitted my intent to enroll. My bad lol