Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

I have seen in freshman thread acceptances from waitlist, Bussiness majors as well, I wonder if they go alphabetically :thinking:…??

Hello all,

Below is a link to cal poly transfer Instagram which can lead to intros/connections. Thought I would share. Or just search calpolyslotransfers on insta jus


For 2023 Applicants —

2022 - March 21 @ 3:57 PM & March 23 @ 4 PM
2021 - March 17 @ 6:23 PM
2020 - March 16 @ 5:24 PM & 10:11 PM & March 23 @ 5:45 PM

2022 - March 29 @ 5:37 PM (At least 1 person accepted from Waitlist on Apr 29)
2021 - March 25 @ 1:44 PM
2020 - March 17 @ 5:20 PM

2022 - March 30 @ 2:46 PM
2021 - April 1st @ 1:30 PM
2020 - March 18 @ 12:21 PM


So I just checked my application status and my final transcripts cleared and it says I’m officially admitted to Calpoly and states I need to check for my student enrollment appointment but I’m not sure how to do this. Is this done later on or something I should be able to do now?

Just FYI for next year, a family friend was accepted off the waitlist on Friday July 15. He checked his portal first at 3:30 and saw the Congratulations message and then at 4:30 he got the email.

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Hello friend, are you going to make new Cal Poly Slo thread for 2023 transfers ? :wink:

Per your request, I started a 2023 discussion thread. Remember anyone can start a thread.