Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2023



I know another CM applicant and they havenā€™t heard yet.

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iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s going to be another wave either tonight or tomorrow/thursday


accepted to interdisciplinary studies with 4.0 GPA

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Thanks for the heads up, hoping for the best

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Accepted for CS


anyone get anything for public health?

Did your portal just change tonight?

Donā€™t give up yet! Second wave is probably still pendingā€¦.hopefully engineering is part of that. Seeing the results here makes me optimistic :slight_smile:


it seems like none of the liberal arts majors have been released yet. iā€™m still waiting on poly sci and i canā€™t find any other liberal arts majors that have gotten in. this is just my guess though


here are my stats:
Major: Statistics
GPA: 4.0
AS-T: Mathematics
Pre-reqs: 2 still in progress, the rest complete
Golden Four: A A A A
Local: No, Bay Area
Volunteer/Work hours: 21+, yes 25% major related
Leaderships positions: No

Congratulations! What time did you find out?

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is it mostly rejections and waitlists moving forward then?

nah thereā€™s still another round of acceptances then the rejections and waitlist.

Antoine hear back late last night?

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I have not heard from Slo but here are my stats
Major: Communication, second choice is Journalism
GPA: 3.915
AS-T: Yes
Pre-reqs: Yes
Golden Four: Yes
Local: No, San Diego Area

Other campuses where you applied: SDSD, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UC Berkley

3rd Time applying.

Major: Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.94
AS-T: Yes
Pre-reqs: All + one rec course , 119 total units
Golden Four: Yes
Work related experience: Yes
Local: No, San Francisco
Feeling disheartened. Have wanted to go here for as long as can be and that wish never wavered. Feeling unoptimistic Iā€™ll be seeing that acceptance email. Was on the waitlist till the last minute last year.


Oh my goodness! Will you apply again if you donā€™t get in, or do you have a second choice this time around?


SDSU would be my second choice. Iā€™d be writing an appeal if I get rejected now regardless. After those 2 its a mixed bag for me. Have my heart set on Cal Poly, always have.